What is Tuna's RDA

Dave Carbon

Still Learning
I've been reading up on mercury in tuna and the risks of eating too much. The question is how much is too much? I've been thinking about this for some time just cos I use tuna as one of my main Protein sources and I'm abit worried about taking in large amounts of mercury.
I dont think it dangerous. I know one guy who used to eat 28 cans a week. without any problems.

The only real reason to cut down would be if you dont really like it. at least in my opinion.
ecke70 said:
I dont think it dangerous. I know one guy who used to eat 28 cans a week. without any problems.

The only real reason to cut down would be if you dont really like it. at least in my opinion.

'used' to?

Lol, thats a very ignorant approach to take. Mercury builds up in the body over time cause body cant dispose of it. It could take several years, possibly even 10 or more to you see the ill effects of mercury posining. By then its too late.
Dave Carbon said:
Really!!! Ive been eating 3 cans a day. Do you rekkon I should drastically cut down and find another protein source?

Its your body, is it worth rolling the dice?
Damn!! think I better start switching tuna for more chicken and mabey its time I start taking protein shakes, Seems to be the way forward cheers for feedback.
Im sure tunas fine or if there was evidence to show you could get mercury poison from it,it would be taken off the shelves, 3 cans a day does seem excessive though, i would drop to 1
chipy said:
Im sure tunas fine or if there was evidence to show you could get mercury poison from it,it would be taken off the shelves, 3 cans a day does seem excessive though, i would drop to 1

Too much alcohol will kill you but nobodys taking it off the shelves.

Mercury is everywhere. All fish have mercury in it. A little bit wont hurt you but large amounts will, therefore guidelines have been devised on how much fish you should eat per week based on different species and EPA standards.

carbons been eating 3 cans a day, if anyone was gonna get it he would be no1 candinate.
Any probs carbon?
chipy said:
Im sure tunas fine or if there was evidence to show you could get mercury poison from it,it would be taken off the shelves, 3 cans a day does seem excessive though, i would drop to 1
Chipy,... you gotta stop eating those lead pain chips. A can of tuna per week is a MAX LIMIT set for PREGNANT WOMEN. If I was a pregnant women, I woundnt even chance it, we already have enough retards in this country.
Most Chinese toys have lead in them, it's only now making news. 1 out of 8 kids born are or become autistic by age 4. That number used to be 1 out of 1000 a decade ago.

Conclution: too much of anything will kill your brain cells. Murcury will make you a retard just like lead will. So if you're one already, then go ahead and eat as much of it as you like.
I would speculate that most of those fish are raised on farms instead being caught from the mercury laden ocean and lakes.
chipy said:
carbons been eating 3 cans a day, if anyone was gonna get it he would be no1 candinate.
Any probs carbon?
I seem to be fine but I believe its one of those things that proress over many years so I thought I nip it in the butt before I get any effects. I wanna look good on the outside but not at the expense of my insides I think there messed up enough lol.
Ill just find another source of protein, like I said might be time to start taking Shakes I just prefer to get my protein from real food.
Asbestos, Smoking, Exposure to car oil, Coal mine debree, Murcury buildup, High Blood Pressure, etc...

... it may take years to take effect, but it will. Cancer is one thing, but becoming retarted from murcury or lead is another. Which do you prefer?

Oh yeah, a company in Michigan got an 'OK' from the state government to dump MERCURY into lake Michigan. They say, since it's such small ammounts, it should be ok. ...yeah, right. Unbelievable!
chipy said:
1 out of 8 kids born are or become autistic by age 4.

You sure about that!
I was wrong about the numbers, I looked it up again and it's actually used to be 1 out of 1,000 in 1990 and now it's 1 out of 100-200. Depending on which website you look to. With an annual growth of 10-17%. They dont know why such a huge increase, many parents think it's the murcury linked shots kids get at a young age. But since there are no long term studies on the effectiveness or safety of 'immunization' shots, you can only wonder. There was only one shot directly linked to cause autism. The rest I suspect from lead pain in 'ALL' of kids toys. Many kids put toys in their mouth and chew on them.