What kind of meat should I avoid?


New member
So far I only eat chicken and beef, and avoid chicken skin, fat and food put too much oil.

I am not sure if I am doing right***65311; can I still have pork or lamb***65311;
fat is good for you, it contains cholesterol. All of your body's hormones are made from cholesterol. Not to mention fat is need to digest protein. Its not an accident that all protein found in nature is paired with fat.

Just do your best to avoid excess fat in foods and you will be fine.
Human meat ! Unless she's a tall blonde :)

I say away from Bologna, Hot dogs, Any kind of sausages.. Way to much fat in those for me. Duck also has tons of fat.
all of it except for pussy. stick to lettuce beans and seads:laugh4:

seriously if i were to eat cow flesh it would be from grass only fed animals better fatty acid profile. cows arn't made to eat 100% corn
Personally I don't like pork or lamb. Chicken breast is my favorite along with 93/7 ground beef. I also stay away from anything processed (hot dogs, bologna, etc.).