What kind of side effects could my friend and I expect from our first cycle?


New member
My friend and I are planing to do a 12 weeks cycle. We're doing Dbol from week 1-4 with testosterone propionate all the way to week 12.

We're 20 and 18 years old.
My 20 year old friend is going with 250mg testo a week, and I'm going with 200mg. We're not sure how many mg we are going with when it comes to Dbol. Something between 25-40 mg ED.

We will be using Milk Thistle and Liv.52 during the four weeks of the Dbol cycle.

This is what our PCT will look like:

Day 1: Clomid @ 300 mgs. (6 pills), Nolvadex @ 40 mgs. (2 pills)

Day 2: Clomid @ 200 mgs. (4 pills), Nolvadex @ 40 mgs. (2 pills)

Days 3-11: Clomid @ 100 mgs. (2 pills), Nolvadex @ 40 mgs. (2 pills)

Days 12-22: Clomid @ 50 mgs. (1 pill), Nolvadex @ 20 mgs (1 pill)

What kind of side effects could we expect from this cycle?
Any other advice?

Please, do not tell us how we are too young to do steroids, we know it's dangerous. It's our decision and we do whatever we want with out bodies.