what r your favorite liver support

Alpha lipoic acid is cheap and a very good antioxidant that supports liver aid. That with what u have i think you'll be good. I typically just buy sns liver support, cheap and effective.
any thoughts about liv 52? was told it's useless.

It's the only name brand liver support with studies proving it works actually. I go NAC - > NAC + liv52 - > (T)UDCA depending on how my liver enzymes come back. The only times I've had to bust out the last is if I'm running something crazy toxic like SD with tren or taking acetaminophen.

My .02c :)
NAC, NOW brand
LiverCare- HIMALAYA brand
Liver Detoxiffier and regenerator--- NOW brand
I was using thistle but kept hearing thats just old school. I had bloods taken last week. one month ago I had bloods taken when I was just using thistle, so maybe today or tomorrow when I get my bloods back we will see how my 3 combo worked or didnt work?
NAC- 1200mgs/day on cycle
UDCA- (if for whatever reason liver enzymes elevate in spite of NAC) 250mg EOD to ED depending