What receptors do anabolic steroids bind to? Upper limit of receptors to bind to?


New member
Question 1.
I have read that androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS) bind to androgen receptors.
Do all anabolic only steroids bind to androgen receptors, or are there other receptors that they bind to which also produce anabolic effects?

Question 2.
Say we forget about side-effects for the moment, and someone injects a massive amount of different steroids, like Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Deca-Durabolin, NPP, and Equipoise. Would it be possible to eventually bind all the receptors with all the AAS he injected?

If the wording of my questions isn't that clear, just let me know and I'll try to clarify.

There is a point of diminishing returns in regards to the amount you can effectively dose at once. Once you get past the point where you saturate the receptors all the extra floating around would just create more side effects. Some preparations bind to the same receptors like test and tren. Not to mention Deca, NPP are the same thing and EQ is a very close relative of the two.

What are you after here? Yes you can saturate all available receptors. That's the name of the game. Finding the point where you are over that point is the key to minimize sides.
There is a point of diminishing returns in regards to the amount you can effectively dose at once. Once you get past the point where you saturate the receptors all the extra floating around would just create more side effects. Some preparations bind to the same receptors like test and tren. Not to mention Deca, NPP are the same thing and EQ is a very close relative of the two.

What are you after here? Yes you can saturate all available receptors. That's the name of the game. Finding the point where you are over that point is the key to minimize sides.

Thank you Swole, you answered the question most important to me (2), plus explained how preparations like Testosterone and Trenbolone bind to the same receptors.

So what am I after? I'm trying to figure out how to reach that point just before returns diminish, and to certainly avoid the point where I'm saturating all my receptors and wasting gear. The appearance of side effects is now how I know when I'm nearing that point.

I have been sore as hell in my delts and traps. To make the most of my lifting efforts and to recover quickly, I injected about 400 mg of Testosterone Propionate in the last 2 days. I'm using Anastrozole (Arimidex) to minimize the side effects. They haven't shown up yet. The only other thing I have stacked with Test Propionate for now is 30 mg oral Turinabol which just arrived from the U.K. I'm planning on getting some Trenbolone Acetate and Deca-Durabolin soon.
I've been through a cycle or two. A bodybuilder friend or two, introduced me to some basics about how to inject AAS, but we never talked about any receptors or got into that kind of detailed discussion about AAS. One hooked me up with some gear, and I just followed his instructions. I didn't know much more than what my friends told me, and it was good enough. My first cycle was Sustanon only, and my second was purely Dianabol. The effects on muscularity were noticeable to me, and people started talkin' behind my back that I must be on something.

Any reason you ask mod?
It just seemed like you might be a bit new to all this. It is kind of like asking what is the optimal amount of alcohol to consume to achieve the perfect buzz but not get a hangover the next day if that makes any sense.

There are general rules of thumb for how much test to use on a first cycle -- 500mg per week. This is based on lots of guys who have run first cycles in the past and consensus has been developed on what a good starting point is which indirectly answers your questions.
A lot of red flags here OP. I hesitated to even respond to your initial post because of what mega pointed out. But my curiosity got the best of me.

Oral only cycle? not smart. Also it does not sound like you have a plan. You need to research. Learn the basics on here from the stickies figure out what your goals are and propose a proper laid out cycle that we can help you tweak.

Good luck,