What the heck is wrong with my head?!


New member
Will attempt to make it short and not get side tracked. Will also post lab results.

TrT: Been on TrT since end may/begin June. Everything was going to good to be true, cure my depression (no joke), motivation for chores, life etc everything went up. First 4-5 weeks where amazing, bloods came back good. Started getting insanely sore nipple, with LARGE tissue underneath, quickly went for blood work.. My test shot way up. Had some Arimidex on hand from long time ago when I did steroids (for BB purposes). Took 1mg pill once, nipples went away.. stayed on same dose of test while waiting for doctor appointment took another 0.25mg several days later. Doctor shortly after lowered my dosage of test and about a week later I start getting INSANE headaches. Pain from 3-6 of 1-10 all day everyday. It has been 6 weeks not (since roughly july 15th) and I have had a headache every with exception of 2 days in the last 6 weeks. I was originally on 75mg Test Cyp every 3.5 days. Doctor lowered it to 50mg every 5 days (This is roughly when headaches started). Doctor increased me back two weeks ago hoping it would help to 50mg every 3.5 days. Nothing has changed headaches are here. This is killing my life I have barely been able to train since they get worse with exercise.

Doctor: doctor is pretty helpful in letting me decide the direction I want to go, but is very sure I don't need to see a specialist. Hes sent off for me to get a CAT scan on my brain and as I walked out he decided to tell me "It's not a good sign when you have a headaches for 6 weeks that never goes away.. somethings not right".. like who says that to somebody? I'm hoping its the test and me screwing with my hormones. Next to nothing shows up when you google "Headaches from testosterone therapy". So now i'm sitting here freaking out I have a brain tumor or something at 27 years old. But I am praying it is just this testosterone.

He wants to switch me to the Testosterone Patch.. but at this point I cant live with headaches anymore and feel like I just need to stop to see if they will go away. Anyways my BP is always normal so it's not that. But he is very inconsistent on what he tests ms for when he does labs.. and rarely tests my estrogen levels. Or maybe 6 weeks later it has something to do with the Arimidex I took twice? because it was around the same time.

Here are the labs. 4 different ones. 2 prior to TrT, one when everything was going great ,one when my Test got to high I started getting Gyno and he reduced it then the headaches seemed to start. again, they have not gone away since he increased me back up slightly from 50mg every 5 days to 50 mg every 3.5 days.

Before TrT:

Another Before:

Everything going great:

Test getting high, when he decided to drop my levels:

Headaches start after lowing of dose:

Only one additional lab after the ones where my headaches started and he re-increased my test from the 50mg every 5 days to 50mg every 3.5 days. And it brought my levels back up to the 25. But Testosterone was only thing tested.

So what are the chances this is the Test, and me messing with my hormones over a brain tumor at 27?
You're back to almost hypogonadal levels of test. How long are you giving these changes before switching up again? It takes about a month for everything to stabilize, so I wonder if you guys are being hasty in changing things so quickly.

Have you had a sleep study done? Waking multiple times per night will deprive your brain of needed sleep, and if you are experiencing hyopnea, it's lacking oxygen too. This would be my guess with regards to the headaches.

Don't switch to a patch. Stay on test injections, and get that dose fixed. If you need an AI, you need an AI. Simple as that. ;)

My .02c :)