What's the best prohormone for bulking on the market today?


New member
I took beastdrol a few years ago and it was great. I know it's illegal now but I'm wondering if there's anything left that resembles it and is still legal? I don't want to get ripped off.
Ph are shit IMO , if u want to do it, do the real thing.

As compared to what? Test, tren, deca? those are all safer with better results and can be run longer..but theres a handful of Steroids, that are classified as PH that are both stronger and more effective than 99% of oral AAS. That being said, Id agree that 9/10 PH are shit
That's exactly why I'm asking user experience. I haven't taking any since the sd ban. Would love some test and mast but that's out of the question right now..
I had good luck with Epi from Mrsupps, Im using helladrol now and not thrilled to be honest. Have heard good things above DMZ and M-stem though...Tren clones are said to be pretty good as well.
I have ran a SD (beastdrol) cycle and a few helladrol cycles. Helladrol is a mild PH compared to compounds such as Superdrol. With that said, you can still experience amazing results with helladrol and thats why I'v ran it several times. I can easily put on 15 pounds of solid muscle with hella combined with a proper diet. If you are not experienced with PH I would STRONGLY suggest starting with helladrol. Your going to see great results and the risk of side effects/injuries is much lower than a superdrol like compound imo. I ran SD as my first cycle and torn my body up pretty bad - my joints and tendons could not keep up with the rapid muscle growth. It sounds good if you don't know anything, but you'll learn pretty quick that nothing is worth possible life long injuries...So it really depends on your experience level, but if you have experience you'd not generally use hella as a bulking compound.
thanks, I ran a few good cycles of test e, mast, Winn. Like I said, I've also ran a few cycles of beast also, so I have some experience. Its been about 18 months since I ran anything.
Honestly, they're a waste of time. Steroid sides without the gains. Unless you can get your hands on some M1T to run alongside some test, don't bother. Spend it on food.
Honestly, they're a waste of time. Steroid sides without the gains. Unless you can get your hands on some M1T to run alongside some test, don't bother. Spend it on food.

Oh man I ran a couple cycles of M1T years ago, stuff was potent as fuck!!!! lol, insane strength gains, a weight went up about 20lbs, side effects were far too much for me though. Wouldnt touch it again even if it was free lol.