What's The Best Supplement To Take?


College Student
I'm a senior in college and needless to say, I see a lot of students that have no idea what to do or eat to get big. Yesterday, I was in the locker room, preparing for war when I was approached by a stranger. Hey, what supplements do you take? (This guy is probably 6'2 180lbs). I tell the guy "I try to focus on eating foods, but supplementing protein is always in my diet." He responds "Oh, that's all!?". I say "yeah" and put in my earphones to go.

After the workout a second guy (6'4 280lbs (overweight)) asks me what supplements he should take to help him lose weight. I say "I don't take anything to assist in losing weight, but I would probably take lipo 6 if I were going to." He says "Thanks man!"

I thought this was pretty steller but when I'm walking out of the gym doors a THIRD guy (5'11 170lbs) says "What supplements do you take? I'm trying to gain weight and can't." I say "Eat every 2-3 hours. Good food though, oatmeal, pasta, and at least 300g of protein a day. If that doesn't work, wake up in the middle of the night and drink a protein shake." He says "thanks, have a good one"

I just wanted to post this because a lot of people focus too much on what supplements to take. It's something that should be added to a diet. If you're reading these supplement forums and never checking out the diet section or the training section, I recommend you do so!
Outside of eating properly and whey protein, the only other legal supplements Ive used with noticeable muscular results is creatine and no2 (nitric oxcide) and Ive tried them all. Without doubt these are the best two otc products for me at gaining muscle size and strength.
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I get that all the time... and respond with similar answers.

I was wearing a protein shirt and was approached "that's a good protein!" "huh? oh yea." he continues... "I take this blah blah crap crap from GNC and I still can't gain weight" "eat your head off" he responds "GNC blah blah blah"

He mentioned crap like No2 and several other things, I continued to tell him to drop that crap and eat.
yes food food and more food...and cell tech....is a big no no....it suck moose ass..along with alot of things from gnc....
Everyone wants the easy way out and you have to get to the point of being addicted to this game to realize their isn't one! Thanks for the replies fellas!