What's your favorite whey?

I've been using ON Gold Standard for years and never really tried anything else. Are there any others that I should try? Flavor is not a very big concern for me. I really only care about the cost and amount of protein per serving.
I usually rotate through the following powders: Syntrax Matrix, MusclePharm Combat, Gaspari Myofusion, and CorePRO (these are all protein blends)

But if you're looking for just a concentrate/isolate blend which is what ON is (and a rip off if I might add...you pay for the name, not the quality of the product in this case), then there are a million options out there. As already mentioned NBTM whey proteins like whey to build and isolation. Dymatize also has some good powders.
Costco carries ON isolate at a decent price. The only flavor available is vanilla shake, but it's grown on me.