TRT and Viagra review for wonderes


New member
Try to post things so others that search might find info later.

Either way in trt now for about 8 years. Late 30s male ok shape. About 5 years ago started getting problems with getting erections. Still not an all the time problem or without help will it not happen every time but none the the less still an issue.

I have and have tried the big three viagra, cialis and levitra. Levitra and viagra are the same in how you take it, cilalis can be different. All three work good for me and all three had same sides.

Sides for me for all three is congestion and sometimes pressure headaches with levitra being the worst. My work around to this is nasal decongestant spray as I don’t have to worry about mixing pills with alcohol.

Viagra and levitra both work within an hour or so and it comes on strong. Elections are strong and very hard and also think I can last longer. I would say though they both last closer to 12 hours or so but are strong acting for 2-4hrs.

Cialis I didn’t want to do daily so tried using the stronger doses of 10 and 20 for one time use. It works well but feel it’s not as strong as the others and would say it takes maybe two hours to come on.

Here is what I liked about all of them and what I have settled on. Viagra is quicker and stronger nice to have when you have a defined window of when play time is coming. With viagra though being stronger going to the bathroom or just situating yourself can entice an erection to come on and can be harder for it to go away.

I really like cialis one time use in that I can take it Friday night and it works pretty well for Saturday. They say 36 hours and yeah maybe some lingering effects but would say a good 24hrs of use with first 8-12 hrs being the strongest. Also feel as if cialis is more a natural erection and isn’t as easily stimulating either and erections go down easier when not needed. I’m also a grower not a shower guy big time. And with cialis it wasn’t like a half wood but my penis sits naturally at about 4in or so for 24hrs vs maybe half that normally.

For me I’d have both. Cialis for known weekends or full days and viagra for the shorter time frames you really know it’s going happen.
first thing i would say is to take blood test and see what all your numbers are,E2, prolactin, free testosterone and total testosterone, LH, SBH, thyroid, etc.
to try to self medicate is bad when you dont have all the numbers. and a TRt doc will have this done regardless.
dont forget that TRT is for life. so see that you do all you can to get fixed naturally first.
i suspect this will be hard to do since your taking viagra and all those pills that will just make you worst.

are you taking any meds? antidepressants?