Whats your Weakness?

My biggest weakness is def. fast food. I pretty much grew up on that shit and I still crave it. Other than that the worst thing that can happen is when my mother bakes a chocolate cake. I actually get pretty pissed at her and then I end up eating the whole fuckin thing. This was the worst thread to read since I'm going to start dieting a little bit today.
Easto said:
When I am at school, I am usually pretty good with my diet, but when I go and visit my parents the list is endless:
- Spicy Doritos
- Ice cream
- Cookies
- Reeces Peanut Butter Puffs
These are the worst for me. My mom tries to be nice and surprises me and my other bro with all this good food. I would be a terrible son if I didn't eat it all :D

Good thing for the treadmill in the basement.

I feel you brother, I eat way to much when i come home from college, it seems like i always stick to a good diet, and then when i go home i gorge on things i shouldn't and too much of things...Damn't mom, always making big fatty meals....lol