When Is Fat Necessary?


New member
I keep my fat intake to around .25g per pound of bodyweight.
I dont use flax oil or EFA's, but I am wondering if these are necessary and beneficial to add to my diet.

My current sources of fat are mainly penut butter in my protein shakes, cottage cheese, some in my protein bar. That is all that I am guaranteed everyday, although some days I may eat something else with fat in it.
EFA's are very important to a number of processes in the body. You're getting some EFA's already in your peanut butter. But you get little to none of the Omega 3 EFA's in PB. And Fish Oil contains a more bioavailable form of Omega 3's than Flax Oil.

Also, believe it or not, even the evil saturated fats have been shown to be beneficial to total as well as free versus bound testosterone levels.
Thanks for the response. I eat about two cans of tuna once every three days or so, and i eat salmon about twice a week. Canned tuna in water contains the Omega3 fats correct?
R2TT1 said:
Thanks for the response. I eat about two cans of tuna once every three days or so, and i eat salmon about twice a week. Canned tuna in water contains the Omega3 fats correct?
yes but i still feel you need more . try flax seed oil , udos oil , omega 3-6-9 capsules , or even eat flax seeds on your cereal or salads .
Thanks for the info Dadawg, i have been hearing a lot about the udo's oil and I thnk i will check that stuff out.
Essential fats are required for fat soluable vitamin and mineral absorption, hormone production, proper nervous system functioning and many other physiological functions. Get your sources from omega 3,6,9, and efa. Good fats hepl promote high density lipoprotein(good cholesterol) and omega 3 helps to reduce low density lipoprotein(bad cholesterol).
what about seeds and nuts? i eat 50 grams of sesame seeds in the morning, 50 grams of sunflower seeds in the afternoon and about 20 almonds in my evening meal. this while cutting. seeds contain many hormones as well as incomplete proteins, not just fat. they are a very important addition to any diet.