I am on a 400mg a week cyp cycle and am not sure when to eat my last meal of the day? Should i eat as much as possible all day or is there somethin i shouldnt be eating before i go to bed?
Ill get home about 11pm have a 1lb steak, 2 baked potatoes, and a bowl of salad. Im in bed by 1-1:30. Then ill wake up about 5-6 am to have a protien bar or a shake. Then wake up 9:30 and have breakfest.
I prefer to have some slow releasing protein before i go to bed
Fyre's on the money as usual with cottage cheese. It's a great protein (Casein) to have when you want slow releasing protein, The fats (EFas) will help slow down the absorption more.
I usually have cottage cheese or I have a protein blend with Micellar Casein
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