When to start bulking during cycle?


New member
For example, say I took my first injection of test e on my cycle yesterday. Would you start bulking today? Or wait until the test e "kicks in" in several weeks.
If it were me I would begin increasing my daily caloric intake by 150 each week, starting now-ish and watch the scale / mirror..you want to gain ~1-2lbs per week, anymore will be a significant amount of fat & less won't be tapping the anabolic potential of what I assume is a 500mg/wk test cycle
Foooooooooooood nao!

AAS just helps you put the extra cals to work more efficiently, but you don't have to rely on them to get started. You can't depend on the hormones to determine everything - or they become a crutch far too early.

My .02c :)
The best thing to do is actually prime you body for a bulk. 6 to 8 weeks out from you cycle (bulk) start a carb cycle or even run a slight caloric defecit to lean out as much as possible and prime your body to better uptake all the calories and nutrient youll be supplying it when you start your bulk. Then the day you start your cycle start your bulk and watch yourself blow up, quickly.

This is a much better and more efficient transition as opposed to a bulking diet straight into another bulking diet. You body really only wants to do one thing for so long before it doesnt work as good as it once did. Like guys that bulk for years on end, makes no sense.