When to start HCG, before during or after?


New member
Hi guys,

I'm new here (complete noob). I started my cycle last week and this is what it looks like

w1 - w10 = 500mg Test e (twice a week 250mg)
w1 - w10 = 200mg deca (I only bought one vial due to my budget. Vial is 200mg/ 1ml)

w12 - w16 = 10mg nolvadex + 50mg CLOMID

I did some research and I got mixed results. Some people say run HCG during your PCT, some people say run HCG during cycle and some people say run HCG during the last weeks of your cycle.

So given my current cycle, when would be the best time to take HCG and how much.

Dealer said that I should do it EOD (500IU) during the whole cycle, but I think that he's just trying to get some extra cash

For the record, I'm 28 male and this is my first cycle.
You should have made this thread before you started your cycle.
This is a very poor cycle, I suggest you abort it before its too late. No PCT is needed if you just started it.
hCG should be used from week 1 to the end of your cycle (500iu/wk).
This is a very low dose for deca. You also need to run test 1-2 weeks longer than deca because half life is longer.
Pct is weak also.
2 vials of test will not last you 10 weeks (I'm assuming you have 2 vials) it will last you 9-9.5 weeks.

Try to save some money up and buy everything you need, educate yourself and then start your cycle.
1st cycle should be test only.
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@admin. Can you re-locate this discussion please? Didn't know that I Couldn't post questions here

@dextermorgan. That's what my dealer recommended me
I made a typo btw. It's w1 -w8 deca and not (w10)
It's best to run HCG though ur cycle. I would start it ASAP at 250iu twice a week. Run it up to ur pct. I don't find it to b a horrible cycle. I would read all the stickies and learn all that u can. Make sure ur pct is good. U also need AAS AI and prolactin blocker. Do some resurch and ask questions if needed. But the stickies will answer most

As dextor said a 10ml vial will not give you 10ml of gear. Always give urself some leeway. Ur loose some in vial, syringe ect..
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