When will I get Dbol bloat?


Amateur Bodybuilder
Hey all I'm on my first cycle of test & dbol and I was just wondering if bloating happens to everyone or not? What I'm trying to say is I have no bloat from Test E and Dbol at all. Is this possible? Do all people get puffy and watery from it or does that depend more on diet and genetics?

Age:20 Height:6' 0"
Starting weight: 172 (thin I know)
Current Weight: 185 (day 18)

My cycle:
1000mg Test E week 1
500mg Test E week 2-12
50mg Dianabol weeks 1-6

40mg Tamoxifen Citrate week 13
20mg Tamoxifen Citrate week 14-17

I am only on week 3 but so far I have been doing great. Strength is increasing in all of my lifts, and I'm starting to go up in size.
My workout routine is in check, I'm using one that some of my friends used/use that are juicers.

Diet honestly has improved starting this cycle. My plan was to eat 300g protein/day
and about 600g carbs & 150-200g fat.

I started tracking my foods and noticed it can be pretty tough to eat 300g protein per day! Anyways I been tracking my nutrition and on average I get about 200g protein per day, 300 on a good day, specifically days during/after working out legs I tend to get closer to the 300 mark and weekends when I have more time to cook.

now that that's out of the way, I just wanted to let everyone know I did my homework for about a year or 2 before doing this cycle. I have spent countless hours learning the effects pretty much All steroids and what not.

My sides so far are Slightly higher bp (few points)
and I know what you all mean Dbol Back pumps.. Taurine supplement took the back pump completely away I only feel it slightly after doing deadlifts for about a day.

I have not needed to take my arimidex that I have on side, at all. No signs of gyno at all my nips are not sore same size/shape no bumps and I am also not noticing any bloat. My triceps and chest are slightly bigger it MAY be some water but I think its just the muscle getting bigger since it feels hard like muscle!

thanks all
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Ah ok I know that yeah some of that is water weight but like you said, I'm not looking the slightest bit bloated. Not complaining at all, I actually am happy of it Just wanted to know if those sides were determined by genes or If it will kick in later in the cycle.
