where do i start


New member
hey guys I'm new to the forum and have some questions and need some advice. I'm 32 and in ok shape I've been involved in sports or training off and on since I was 14. I'm just getting into training again and started doing mixed martial arts, push ups, burpee's, sit ups etc. Its been about 2 and a half years since i was involved in lifting weights. I have lost 20 pounds in the last 3 months 270 to 250 and would ideally like to get to a lean 225 230. The deal is I'd like to start a cycle that would give me endurance speed and stamina as well as strength but I really dont want to gain any weight in fact I want to lose 20 more pounds. I've done juice before a long time ago test, dbol, and tren and loved the strength but didnt like the way i looked I gained 30lbs and was really bloated looking. I guess I would like some advice on where to start. I had read quiet a bit and it seems like I should do some test and some winstrol along with estrogen blockers what do i do.
I was in your same shoes in the sense I had high bf count not heavy but way out of shape because of low test. I started at 38% bf am down to 20% and am still wanting to loose some more before getting on a cycle. Its hard because am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and it would be so easy to just run a cycle but diet down brother. Get that weight down. If you can contact 3J and he will help u with a meal plan and a diet if u have the means and if not he gives great advice.

It can be a PIA at times but hang in there. It has taken me years to get back on the gym band wagon dealing with a lot of issues and low test. This site is full of great people who notbonly are knowledgeable vut care about the folks who tend to stick around and become part of the ology family.

Good Luck