where do you purchase clomid and nolvadex?

I was on this site for a couple weeks without knowing where to get supplies. I'm not the type to click on big flashy banners stating they will sell you illegal stuff, but after doing some reading, I found that rui was gtg. Darn quick too.
I was on this site for a couple weeks without knowing where to get supplies. I'm not the type to click on big flashy banners stating they will sell you illegal stuff, but after doing some reading, I found that rui was gtg. Darn quick too.
Illegal? You mean chemicals for research only right?
I have clomafene citrate and tamoxifen citrate on the way... Where do I find human choronic gonadotropin on there? This will be my first cycle.... 500mg of test weekly. Just want to make sure im doing right. have my pct for after but cant find HCG on the site.... please help my dumb@ss:)
Illegal? You mean chemicals for research only right?

Yes. Research. Sorry that might have come out wrong. Didn't mean at all to say anything bad about rui. I was referring to other flashy banners, which I shouldn't say anything bad about either since I've never clicked on them to see where they take you.
Yes. Research. Sorry that might have come out wrong. Didn't mean at all to say anything bad about rui. I was referring to other flashy banners, which I shouldn't say anything bad about either since I've never clicked on them to see where they take you.

All good brotha! There's nothing bad to say about the lion ;) just don't want people thinking these research chems are being utilized anywhere outside of our laboratories.