Who else eats PORK RINDS when dieting?


New member
Hello, When I am in need of a crunchy sanck food, I generally like pork rinds. They are good for low carb diets, they offer a decent amount of protien, about 1 gram per peice, and have a good helping of fat too. Just wondering if I am the only one who eats these while trying to cut. By the way. Old Dutch came out with a new Mesqitue BBQ flavored pork rind, and they are awsome!!!
if it works for you than thats great. I personally take in too much fat from them so I stay away. Forgot which company makes them but they have these soy chips that taste great.
I used to eat them like crazy when I went really low carb for a long time but I guess I OD'd on them because now I can't stand them.
I read the title of this post and was like you gotta be kidding me! Then I realized most people go low carb when cutting.
Pork rinds are just pig fat/skin that has been deep fried. Very very empty calories. Absolutely no nutriional benefot to eating them, but if it blows your hair back then eat them in moderation.