why am i fatigued?


New member
I havent posted here for a while, sort of lost track of things :P
But im back on the horse and am starting to get a fatigue or exhaustion throughout the day. I'll break down what im doing and maybe someone can suggest something that im doing right or wrong? Im getting about 7 hours of sleep a night, do i need more? or is my fatigue diet related? Should i consider taking an energy suppliment such as 5 hour energy? (tried it once or twice, nice results = no jitters, no come down, no hyper feeling, just normal again and not tired)

Goal: 205-210lbs, 10% BF, lose body fat, gain some lean muscle if possible
Current: 25 y/o, 205lbs, 17% BF

Diet will stay pretty much the same most days, just different times due to scheduling in the mornings.

0530 - wake up
0600 - drive to work
0630 - 2.2 mile run (mandatory by military)
0700 - 1/2cup oatmeal w/splash of milk & 10-15 chocolate chips
0745 - Workout
0915 - Chicken (costco frozen skinless boneless breast) or fish (costco salmon or cod), 1 cup calrose short grain rice, veggies (normandy mix from costco)

0530 - wake up & eat 1/2 cup oatmeal w/splash of milk & 10-15 choco chips
0600 - drive to work
0630 - calisthenics (pushups, situps, squats, short runs, leg lefts etc... ) (mandatory by military)
0710 - Myoplex shake (50g protein, 20ish g carb) no myoplex
0730 - workout workout changed to 0700
0800 - PWO 40g whey shake

0900 - chicken or fish, 1 cup rice, veggies change time to 0930

0530 - wake up
0600 - 1/2cup oatmeal w/splash of milk & 10-15 choco chips
0700 - workout
0800 - PWO - 40g whey shake
0930 - chicken or fish, 1 cup rice, veggies

Mon-Fri after about 930
1200 - chicken or fish, 1/2 cup rice, veggies
230p - chicken or fish, veggies, 1 tbsp flax oil
330p - fast walk 2.2mile in about 30 minutes
400p - go home
530p - canned chicken (50-60g protein), raw veggies w dill or ranch dip
830p - 1 cup 2% cottage cheese, 1 tbsp flax oil
0930 - bed

I am drinking over 1 gallon of water per day, in addition to shakes.

Note: Today (wednesday) I was really tired/fatigued during my workout (back) and couldnt move to shoulders, had to do them in the afternoon and skip the cardio today.possible changes highlighted in blue.

Workout schedule
day 1 - chest/traps: 3x10 flat bench, 3x10 incline bench, 3x10 cable fly, 3x10 BB shrugs, 3x10 DB shrugs
day 2 - Bi/Tri: 3x10 BB wide grip curls, 3x10 DB hammer curls, 3x10 reverse grip preacher curls
day 3 - Back/shoulders: 3x8-10 wide grip pull ups, 3x6-8 chin ups, 3x10 bent over BB row, 3x10 BB or DB shoulder press, 3x10 upright row, 3x10 lat raises
day 4 - legs: 3x10 squats, 3x10 hamstring curls, 3x10 standing calf press, 3x10 seated calf press, 3x10 lunges, 3x10 leg extension

Weekends: Dont lift, nothing exersize worthy except walking my dog a few times a day. Dont stick to my diet strictly however i eat mostly the same foods, just not proportioned or at certain times, and no junk food. Was thinking about using the weekends to boost my carb intake? (rice, whole wheat pasta, protein pancakes etc...)
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you might be overtrained , how long since you took a week off ?
as for the food , its possible upping the carbs might help but its also possible your fat intake is too low , with the excepion of the little you get in skinless chicken and a piece of fish here and there you only get a spoon full of flax now and then .the body needs some fat and lethargy can be caused by not enough fat in the diet . throw in some whole flax seeds with salad or cereal , a few spoons of natural peanut better now and then . or even a handfull of nuts occasionally .
you need to eat more carbs...your body is like an engine. if you put 5 bucks in you cant go hard on the gas for fear of losing petrol and breaking down, but if you fill it up u no u can give it some. Try having 1 cup of oats in the morning for a while and see how that goes.

Dont be afraid of carbs!!!! with the amount of excerise your doing you need WAY more. You metabolism is buring through the roof
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thanks guys, ill try eating some sunflower seeds, natty PB, mixed nuts or almonds around 530 with the meal, and ill go for some more carbs... possibly bump the morning oats to 3/4 cup and add change the 1/2 cup rice to 1cup rice.

BTW, i need to look up suggestions for how to take flax oil... cuz that is some nasty stuff.... ill post again in a week or so with the progress

PS. dont think its a week off thats needed, im just coming back from a 2 month break due to wisdom teeth removal and divorce :P
DADAWG said:
throw in some whole flax seeds...
you sure you can eat them whole? i was under the impression that your body couldnt digest them correctly whole, and that they needed to be ground into "flax meal".