Why am I feeling sluggish and tired during cycle?

Where did you come up with taking 175 mg a week of your AI as a starting point dosage?
Just curious
It was in his original post .. He was taking 25mg aromisin per day.. Now that is not in his post. It's gone

Why do you think he mentioned low estrogen .. He knew he was taking too much AI .. Now he edited out that from his original post, lol
No clue! His post doesn't show up as being edited.

That is weird.. I should have quoted it. I know for fact it was there.

I mean who takes a bunch of test and a bunch of Dbol and is now concerned they have low estrogen !?

His mentioning his high dose of AI in the sentence just prior to his mention of low estrogen just disappeared
That is weird.. I should have quoted it. I know for fact it was there.

I mean who takes a bunch of test and a bunch of Dbol and is now concerned they have low estrogen !?

His mentioning his high dose of AI in the sentence just prior to his mention of low estrogen just disappeared

I believe you 100%.