Why dont Research companys have AA?


New member
From looking around, I noticed alot of the more popular Peptide supliers dont offer AA (acetic acid) for reconstitution? I know southernresearch does, but like I said, some others dont, and even recommend you buy sterile water .09% for recon?

AA is needed correct?
I have yet to see the data showing that AA is the primary solvent to use with peptides or IGF. It was a long suggested solvent years ago on a site gropep that were the creators of IGF-1 before the Lr3 was added.

Since then that site no longer suggest the solvent but other measures. I watch that site often over the years and I have seen it suggest AA, water, and now an 10 mM HCl which is a hydrochloric acid. Assuming a PH balance is needed for shelf life stability.

All peptides need is a carrier solution to dissolve the filler properly and deliver administration. I would like to see tests or research on AA as a solvent.
I realize gropep suggested AA now HCl for a solvent for the IGF. Both are acidic solutions. IGF filler sometimes is hard to dissolve and this may be the reason an acidic solution is suggested. AA has a low PH balance as well. Compared to water that is neutral and makes up a majority of the body.
I realize gropep suggested AA now HCl for a solvent for the IGF. Both are acidic solutions. IGF filler sometimes is hard to dissolve and this may be the reason an acidic solution is suggested. AA has a low PH balance as well. Compared to water that is neutral and makes up a majority of the body.

I was alway under the impression AA was only for IGF1 peps to for the PH. This is all I have ever used on IGF1 type peps! I make mine own theres several threads on this board explaining how to make it your self.

Can anyone show me when and where this changed?
I use to use AA as well, then AA/BW, but it's not needed. I started using just BW for igf and it works just as well.
The site says, benzyl alcohol 0.9 for reconstitution, but how long would it be good for?

I know with AA its good for ALONG time, where as with just bac water, its dam near instantly ruined...
I use to use AA as well, then AA/BW, but it's not needed. I started using just BW for igf and it works just as well.

yea, your right, im just afriad of it degrading. and 1ml AA, 1ml BAC is like butter.

you dont feel shit, nothing stays in the barrel of the pin....its just easier IMO