why T3 is not wotking for me?


New member
I have pure pharmaceutical T3, both normal and slow release ones. i cycled up to 150mcgs a day(on a course of about 10 days)... and just nothing.
i didn't feel any effect, same goes for the scale - no weight lose whatsoever.

I tried to research it but didn't get any straight answer on the net... seems like i'm the only one.

does anyone know why my body isn't responding?

keep in mind that i know from first hand that the T3 is pure.
T3 is tricky stuff. So many factors may be in play. With out knowing your diet I couldn't tell you whats going. I will say this t3 is best used by people who are extremely tuned. Meaning someone who is already chemically enhanced usually in a cutting cycle looking to tweak a little.

It's not for the every day guy looking to burn some fat.

What are you goals. Your stats would help. MCT oil from coconut is very cheap and super healthy and more effective than anything else i have used. It 80% diet though. Welcome to the site we have one of the best diet consultant in the business and he does a lot of helping for free. Check out the diet forum.

hang out and make some friends