Wife mad soup - hnngggg


New member
So I've been feeling like crap lately. Wife made some chicken noodle soup - used turkey sausage, chicken, spiral pasta, chicken broth, and simple seasonings (garlic powder, black pepper, etc). She killed it. I forgot about being nauseated and destroyed a bowl of it. Bringing another bowl to work. Mmmmmmm

She did so good I had to give her a shout out on here. :dance2:
got yourself a good women when im feeling like shit my old lady orders a pizza and then says i forgot you dont eat this fucking women lol
You got your self a great wifey, that clean home cooking kicks ass. I'm pretty lucky too the wife does some mean cooking.
Sounds like some killer soup. I love a good bowl of soup. Good way to get veggies if you're not a fan of them. My dad makes soup pretty much on the daily and I always pop by grab a container to take home.
It's kinda funny, after I read this thread I went to my parent's house and my dad had a fresh pot of soup on. All kind of beans, some peas, ground beef, potatoes, barley, carrots, crushed tomatoes in a tomatoe sauce base. It was awesome.