Will GHRP help me recover faster from knee surgery?

whats up guys. I have been completely ignorant about peptides until I read OldSchoolLifter's article on how he used GHRP to help him recover from a torn labrum. That sparked my interest so now I'm trying to learn more about these peptides. Reps get in here. GHRP looks good, what's the best company? are the sponsor's products legit?
I am 5 weeks out of ACL reconstruction with the patella tendon graft and meniscus repair. I know there's no way around the extensive rehab I have to do (and I've been getting after that shit, just got 110 degree flexion yesterday woot). But I am really interested in using peptides/steroids to help boost my recovery. I have also a lot of muscle mass and weight (~25 lbs which is A LOT on my frame) since surgery. As I have to begin my service with the IDF in August, I'd like to explore the possibility of using peptides and/or a steroid cycle to help get me better than I was before this miserable injury that ruined my senior year of college lacrosse. cheers
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Look into Igf1-LR3 for that. Or look into HGH

If those peps don't stay in the system long enough to be measured by a gh serum or IGF test I seriously doubt they will do any good for an injury.