Will hcg work sort of like Test if I pair it with d-bol?


New member
I'm getting some more dbol and only have hcg and and arimidex to go alongside it. I can not get test. It's that time of the year ("bulking") for me so I still want to take the dbol and was wondering if hcg would be enough along with the anti E (will take both on cycle and as a pct) to mitigate the shutdown of my test. I would think the hcg during cycle and as a pct would help keep my levels in check, but then again, I'm a steroid beginner and am always trying to learn. I know you should take test but this is my second cycle, with the same gear, minus the test ***128532;.

Here are my stats and dosages.
Weight:185-190 lean

Hcg: 0.5 ml 3xs a week
Arimidex: 1 mg a week
Dbol: 50 mg daily split into two dosages, I plan on taking it for 8 weeks and starting my taper at 6 weeks.

I get a full blood panel done every month. I'm only wondering if the hcg will help with keeping my test levels stable during cycle, because it seems logical, but I'm no veteran in this game. Hoping to get some useful feedback/thoughts on my decisions.
Yes run PCT. Nolva 40/40/20/20, And Clomid. No need for HCG IMO. Bro, make sure you run a Liver protectant, organ shield, n2guard, or something. 8 weeks is harsh on the liver with Dbol. I would never run Dbol by itself, the results could be diminshing, and most likely be water retention. Now Dbol and Test and you would be gtg. (If you have some cycles under your belt).

Hcg is not done during pct, again, my opinion, some differ on this. A Dbol only cycle is stupid IMO as well because- Basically you will be shutting down your natural production of testosterone and spiking your e2 for no reason.

The 3 main sides will be water retention, acne, breast tissue growth, so good to see you got the Adex on deck. Maybe even some Letro if your prone to gyno.

Arimidex = To Prevent Estrogen Creation

Nolvadex = To Stop Estrogen from Binding

Always start with Arimidex, but have nolvadex on hand.
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No. hCG in the presence of dbol is not going to be enough to keep your testosterone levels in the normal range. Males should never run oral-only cycles. Please abort this idea for a cycle. If you can't get Testosterone (injectable) do not run a cycle. Its really that simple.
No. hCG in the presence of dbol is not going to be enough to keep your testosterone levels in the normal range. Males should never run oral-only cycles. Please abort this idea for a cycle. If you can't get Testosterone (injectable) do not run a cycle. Its really that simple.

Exactly. Listen to this man