winny nolvadex clomid are they real?

they are all ip stuff and i wanted to see if everyone elses ip looks the same the clomid makes my tongue go numb so i think thats real but i dunno about the nolvadex or winny
Ingram said:
Yeah the colors apear to be correct...

The Winstrol (winny) should be pretty much tasteless,
The Nolvadex should be quite bitter,
The Clomid should taste like someone took a dump in your mouth.


lol hm.... they kinda taste like altolds also wow thats some good stuff! j/k ya the Winstrol (winny) has no taste the clomid makes my tongue go numb and i havent ate the nolvadex yet
Nolva and clomid are so cheap I wouldnt gamble with IP's anti'es.
The winstroll is the only decent product for the price IMO.