Winny Or Anavar HELP PLEASE


New member
Hey so I know I'm a bit young (19 years old) to being juicing but im already 6 weeks into a 12 week cycle.
I've been on TEST E and im looking to add in either winny or anavar to get shredded a little bit more
19 yrs.
6'2 and 228lbs
about 12% BF

Would it be better to take winny or anavar and why ? im going to be taking this orally and so how much mg should I do per day? this is also my first cycle
Stop your cycle now and start PCT in 2 weeks.

This is suicide for your future do you really understand that? At 19 I would say your chance of hurting your self than not. You are too young no matter what you think. There are a lot of people on tis forum that started young and now are on TRT. It costs a lot of money for the rest of your life and with that comes the condition you will have sexual problems.
You are playing Russian roulette, seriously.
Now anther thing is with you age and the natty potential you have 500mgs will not do much in the long run. I KNOW THIS. Your diet will get you lean better than another anabolic at your age.

Because of your age I will not give any advice and I think if anyone on this forum does it will be VERY IRRESPONSIBLE of them. I cannot justify helping just because you are already on a cycle.

STOP you can go a long away naturally. ..... oldmusclemike :Pat:
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I hate to see this brother. You prob don't wanna hear this, so I'll show plain and simple:

Upside - Get a little more jacked and more shredded for summer.

Downside - Your cycling at 19 yrs old will definitely shut down your growth platelets and your done growing. Never mind the 10,000 different things that could go wrong or side effects. You will stint your growth.

So you decide which one outweighs the other. Wait a few years man. You won't regret it.
Im with these bros on this one, i wont give any advice as you are far to young. At that age i dont think is IF you fuck yourself up, i think its WHEN you start to notice it. All the best to you, but if i were you id stop and run PCT, and get you body producing hormones naturally before its too late.
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Can you feel the love from the brothers here bro?? This is real!! I hope you make a great choice and start asking for advice on how to accomplish your goals naturally for at least a few more years. If your ready to spend some money, get with 3J. Let him tune up your diet. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish by proper diet and training regiment.

Good luck again man.