
I am looking for help with my first cycle prior to a photo shoot in 6 weeks. I am an experienced natural (notice there’s no quotation marks) competitor looking to take my first walk on the “dark-side”. I want to run a short cycle consisting of Winstrol (I already have 6 weeks of orals), some form of test combined with a good post cycle therapy (pct) and possibly some Nolva (or any other anti-estrogen/SERM)

Here’s what I need to know and my vitals:

What I’ve got:
-27 yrs
-6 ft
-205 LBS
-11-13% BF
-10 yrs of training, with experience getting ready for 4 “natural contests” and multiple photo shoots.
-When getting ready for shows or shoots, the only thing I've taken that wasn't over the counter was Clen (I took Methyl-1 for a week but felt tingling in the ol' nips within days so I stopped)
-Very clean pre-contest diet
-Limited post cycle therapy (pct) knowledge
-7 weeks out

The Ultimate Goal:The ultimate goal here, is to lose fat and fat only. Formerly natural, I always lose muscle while prepping for a show/shoot. It is imperative this time that I maintain the muscle/proportions while stripping mid-section fat as my sponsor has requested a specific look for the shoot.

What I Need:-Your recommendation of test to run during the 6 weeks – what, when, how much.
-post cycle therapy (pct) recommendations – what, when how much?
-Any other information you may feel is relevant?
+Anti-Estrogen tips, meds, advice.

I know I’m asking a lot, so thank-you in advance for your responses