WORLD PREMIERE: We Made You! by Eminem (video)

Eminem is a sissy! The only white rapper is Haystak from Tennessee! Thats right. Look him up on youtube.
The Eminem video was funny but somewhat reminded me of a Wierd Al song. I actually thought the Haystack stuff was solid. Haystack must be dirty bulking.
lol. Yeah he is a big white boy. check him out on youtube man. Listen to his song Bonnie and Clyde. Me and my wife went to school with the girl he married!
I got made love for Em. This song is stupid though. His singles are usually terrible and just tries to make them catchy and funny so the white kids will go buy the album. The rest of his albums are usually bad ass so I'm still optimistic. I wish he would stop rapping in that fucking accent.
Eminem was his best when he first came out and when he was with Rawkus Records. His newer shit is marginally good at best.