worth it or no?


Iron Man
lol im sure its prob posted elsewhere..

but .. is dextrose really worth my 1.99 $ lol

times are tough ;)

serious thugh, does it really make creatine much better.. or ..
dextrose is very good post workout. After you exercise you want to replenish the muscle glycogen, and dextrose is the best for this. Post workout, try adding 2 grams of dextrose for every gram of protein in your shake. Add 5-10 grams of Creatine and you should a nice PW shake.
Or you can do oats 30 minutes pre work out and oats directly post. Oats would give you a steady insulin response as opposed to a fast spike from dextrose.
well, a insulin spike before/after workout is nothing!

I go with aroung 30grams before w/o and 50 after
then i take 5grams och creatine before and the same after
+ 1 whey protein (before and after)
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0nyx said:
lol im sure its prob posted elsewhere..

but .. is dextrose really worth my 1.99 $ lol

times are tough ;)

serious thugh, does it really make creatine much better.. or ..

Where is it $1.99?
on that nownutrition site .

im counting on a super market to have the stuff thoguh .. but i dunno if that will pull through
muahaha found some dextrose at my supplement store...


how do i take this with the creatine.. because when i take my creatine, i just put the creatine in my mouth, and rinse it down with water... am i going to have to change this.. or ?
Take it together with it, mix it in a glass.. and use it before/after workout, maybe something like this:
30grams of dextrose before workout and 5grams of creatin
50grams of dextrose and 5grams of creatine after workout.
damn bast .. i thought this stuff would last me long time :-p .
ima have to get it once a week lol.. thnx 4 the info

np string :D