Would like to obtain Winn to keep me of Insulin!!! Please help


New member
I am 40 185 I have always been gifted with strength, but never bodybuilding material I was bit by a rattlesnake 2 years ago Damaged my pancreas I am using different levels of T hormones combined with supplements and such. I need to start burning off the sugar my body cant. Where can I get Winn at? Prefer tablets
Hi. I'm a type II diabetic. Can you please explain to me exactly how winstrol is supposed to help you lower your blood glucose? (Hint: It doesn't.) Testosterone can help make you more sensitive to insulin, but if you have damage - you're probably looking at the needle and vial eventually. On the bright side; as I've discovered myself recently - insulin comes in a pretty neat "pen" now that is crazy easy to inject.

Pretty sure you need to talk to a doctor about metformin/glipizide/actos/etc loooong before you seek one of the more harsh AAS there are as it most certainly won't help you in this regard.

My .02c :)