Would nolva/clomid combo help off set SARMS suppression?


New member
After taking osta for 6weeks I was highly suppressed with test down to 140. So I was trying to figure out how to off set this by possibly taking HCG but I cant easily get that even though I know where to get it so I kept researching. After reading about nolva and serms in general having the ability to increase natural test production I decided to give it a try and see how effective taking nolva and clomid together would have on my test levels. They went from 400 up to 1100. So pretty significant. So if I did a cycle of osta or the more suppressive lgd would taking nolva+clomid combo be effective at maintaining my test levels?
How old are you? Was you Ostarine in liquid form or capsules?

And I think Clomid+Nolva is good for a SARMs cycle.
Oh no, Use them in your PCT.
I was gonna say your Ostarine probably fake and capsule form because it suppressed you so highly... But sarmssearch is good to go and Ostarine shouldn't have suppress you that much... So I don't know maybe somebody else could help you out.
I believe depending on the person and that person previous health history, cycle dosage and duration all play a role in how suppressive OST can be. It has been known to suppress in the range of almost not at all, to near/complete shutdown. Play your cards right and assume the worst. Wouldn't wanna take 1 step forward, 2 steps back. And as long as you research your sources carefully with the folks here, you won't be getting bunk product filled with, for example dbol, rather than the desired Sarms product. So kudos on going with SS

But PCT should be the time to run nolva/clomid @ 8-12wk, given an 8wk cycle
Maybe throw in some supports and d-aspartic acid/natural test boost just to give it that extra "umphhh" lol

Good luck
Some people are non-responders to SARMs while others are hyper responders, same with the side effects of the SARMs. For PCT, I would run:

For all sarms but LGD, I would do Clomid 50/50/50/50 and Nolva 20/20/10/10, wait 2 weeks and get a blood test to see if you returned to normal. If not, do another month of PCT, wait 2 weeks, and get a blood test again.
For LGD, I would do Clomid 50/50/50/50/50/50 and Nolva 20/20/10/10/10/10 - two more extra weeks, just to be sure. Then follow the above procedure.