WOuld SUPERDROL show on an AAS test??


New member
Curious if superdrol would make a person test positive for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if they were tested.
macro said:
very likely, yes
I'm not familiar w/aas testing as to what it would show as?? Could they tell the diff. between test or sometihng like superdrol?? I'm sure they could right??any idea how long superdrol would be in your system?? like 8wks maybe??
lumpy913 said:
would it show up in a court ordered drug test?
no, cuz they just test for recreational drugs, unless of course they expect u of juicing then they could have u tested for aas
joshbeam1 said:
Curious if superdrol would make a person test positive for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if they were tested.
If it's for sports (NCAA, NFL, etc) it will show up when they test your test/epitest ratio. Then I don't know what will show up when they test the sample for an actual compound.. either way, you've already failed.