Would this be a good choice for first time?

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big bangs

New member
Hello I've been working out for years now just to let you know. And Ive heard some mixed reviews of Ironflex tren.
Do pro hormones like this wield the same side effects as the real tech?
What can I do to limit/prevent these effects?
Does it wield noticeable results and how long will it take to see them?

The people that I've spoken to don't seem to be to knowledgeable on this
I realize this is problem a steroid noob question but I would really appreciate some clarification as Im sure you were in the same position as me some time ago
I would run 500mg of test e or c for first cycle. 12 weeks. I have heard some pro hormones can be worse than real AAS. Steroids have been studied and regulated by FDA for medical purposes so assuming u have good gear it's stuff that MD's prescribe for medical purposes. Pro hormones are just altered chemically and therefore can be sold legally until placed on scheduled substance list. They are not studied so who the hell knows the risks. Especially with the new ones. I can speak for how well they work. Never messed with them. Also they can cost more. Test is cheap. I get a 10ml vial for $XXXX.
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I would run 500mg of test e or c for first cycle. 12 weeks. I have heard some pro hormones can be worse than real AAS. Steroids have been studied and regulated by FDA for medical purposes so assuming u have good gear it's stuff that MD's prescribe for medical purposes. Pro hormones are just altered chemically and therefore can be sold legally until placed on scheduled substance list. They are not studied so who the hell knows the risks. Especially with the new ones. I can speak for how well they work. Never messed with them. Also they can cost more. Test is cheap. I get a 10ml vial for $XXXX.

thanks for the reply!
when you say 500mg, do you mean weekly or daily? How should I spread the doses out?
What pct precautions should I take during or after the 12 weeks?
thanks again, much appreciated!
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this subject is very confusing and I'm trying to be as cautious as possible. Once again, not new to working out, just this lol. I would appreciate a pm or a link even to explain what I should do for a first cycle that limits side effects. I assumed pro hormones would be a good place to start since its not the REAL gear, therefore less change of sides. Anavar any good? Trying to stay away from injectable cycles if I can.
would this be good for a first cycle?
anything needs to be added/subtracted?
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I would run 500mg of test e or c for first cycle. 12 weeks. I have heard some pro hormones can be worse than real AAS. Steroids have been studied and regulated by FDA for medical purposes so assuming u have good gear it's stuff that MD's prescribe for medical purposes. Pro hormones are just altered chemically and therefore can be sold legally until placed on scheduled substance list. They are not studied so who the hell knows the risks. Especially with the new ones. I can speak for how well they work. Never messed with them. Also they can cost more. Test is cheap. I get a 10ml vial for $XXXX.

That hi way robbery.....$XXXX bux for a 10ml vial. Lol
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Ya man you need to research more learn as much as possible before starting. I wish I would have. But I have heard pro hormones are more risky in some cases.
I mean 500mg weekly 2 shots a week. Look into pct you will need clomid and nolva also you're gonna want an AI like airmidex during cycle for estrogen. But take a whole read up and plan it out. Make sure you get everything before starting.

I buy or from a guy I'm sure he gets it for $XXXX but he charges me to make profit. But it's okay I don't have to deal with going online and doing it
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Hello I've been working out for years now just to let you know. And Ive heard some mixed reviews of Ironflex tren.
Do pro hormones like this wield the same side effects as the real tech?
What can I do to limit/prevent these effects?
Does it wield noticeable results and how long will it take to see them?

The people that I've spoken to don't seem to be to knowledgeable on this

Search 1st cycle in this section. I know you will find a lot of threads

Learn some of the basics as there is a lot to learn.
If your looking for an excellent 1st cycle option then have a detailed look at helladrol from Mr supps and some of the logs run by guys using it. It gives awesome clean gains in relation to low sides and is the perfect 1st PH for the serious and educated lifter/user.
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