Would you guys be interested ?


New member
Do you guys think we should make a thread in here, with all the recipes that get discussed in the chem forum?

For example, there have been a lot of experiments with Winstrol (winny) over the last couple weeks. I think it would be a good idea to make a thread and in it we can have all the different Winstrol (winny) recipes that people have had success with.

Whoever sumbits the recips can add his/her comments and then the thread will be closed (so it doesn't get filled with a bunch of questions.. ONLY RECIPES). If you want to keep the thread open we can do that, but I think it will get too cluttered and we'll lose some of the recipes.

If we do go the route of closing the thread, you guys can PM me the recipe + comments and I'll add it to the thread giving you full credit.

IMO this will be great for a quick refrence when converting.
I think that's a great idea, especially since the recipes stickied at the top use a lot of solvent which isnt necessary.

If you guys have a recipe you want to add, just PM it it to me or one of the other mods.

If you send it to one of the other mods, just ask if they will put it into the "Sterodology Recipes" thread.

If there is already Winstrol (winny) recipe, for example, its okay to add your own + comments.
Easto said:
If you guys have a recipe you want to add, just PM it it to me or one of the other mods.

This would be a good place for me to say something witty like, as a side note, I only read PMs if they have naked pictures in them.

But I won't do that. Nope, not me. Unh-uh. ;)
lol....but yeah, there should definitely be a sticky thread that has only successful recepies of various steroids. It would definitely be a great thing to start up!

Hats off to Easto!
If you guys submit a recipe, make sure to add in some comments. If it is painless, any troubles people may face while try this, what you would change next time, stuff like that.
TxLonghorn said:
This would be a good place for me to say something witty like, as a side note, I only read PMs if they have naked pictures in them.

But I won't do that. Nope, not me. Unh-uh. ;)

well i got a necked pic on my atavar and you dont like that one.