You say you cant gain weight?


7 wks off (broken elbow!)
So..i hear this all the time. "Dude, how do you put on weight...i can eat and eat and eat junk food, but i still dont gain a pound."

First off, thats crap. Most of those who come to me and say this are younger and scrawney as can be meaning their matabolism is out the roof. Sure junk food can put weight on most of our elders, this because their matabolism has dropped conisderably, but this does not have the same effect on say a hardgainer. It takes work and even hardgainers can put on mass...

- Junk foods are not DENSE caloric foods, providing only a quick burst of energy and nothing else in the long run for those considered as hardgainers. A hardgainer must eat dense foods that will take more time to break down absorbing key nutrients into the body, rather than giving their crazy high metabolic bodies something for feed on for 30 min.
- You need to eat, eat, eat. 3000-6000 calories depending on youre body type. 1.5 to 2g of protein per pound in body weight. Lots of carbs, and not just any carbs, but mainly complex carbohydrates(whole grain and wheat products) Most wont be able to eat like this the next day because just like you train your body to lift, you must train your body to take in large amounts of food.
- Our bodies gain or lose weight when our energy intake and expenditure are out of balance. Therefore, if you take in a small amount of food and expend more energy, weight lose will occur and the contrast goes with gaining weight. In otherwords...NO CARDIO.
- You will lose your 6 pack. Dont worry, it will still be there when you decide to have a cutting phase. You must put on the fat in order to gain the muscle...theres no way around it. Sure you turn into a fatty patty, but the benefits in the long run will be worth it.
- Genetics can be a biatch, but studies show that genetic heritage accounts for only 25% of body composition. In other words, you can override your hardgainer genetics, it will just take some effort.

My brother and I were both hardgainers and still are in my book. We both started at 5'9" 145lbs and 5'11" 120lbs and both today peeking 215lbs. Mainly these are core basics of putting on weight and anyone can do just takes some effort. ONE of the biggest things in my book is eating lots of DENSE CALORIC foods. This isnt anything special, im just saying im tired of people acting as if they can never gain weight.
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athiktos said:
- Genetics can be a biatch, but studies show that genetic heritage accounts for only 25% of body composition. In other words, you can override your hardgainer genetics, it will just take some effort.

I'd LOVEEEEE to see that study. I think it was Mike Mentzer that said only 1 out of every 100,000 human beings have the genetic potential to be a pro bodybulider. True, a hardgainer can develop a decent physique thru years of eating and training, but they will never override their genetics.

Other than that, good post
B.Reel said:
I'd LOVEEEEE to see that study. I think it was Mike Mentzer that said only 1 out of every 100,000 human beings have the genetic potential to be a pro bodybulider. True, a hardgainer can develop a decent physique thru years of eating and training, but they will never override their genetics.

Yeah, "override" is a strong word to use i guess. I dont mean it like you think exactly, I meant it as - even though you have piss poor can still overcome that. But yeah, overriding genetics is not what i meant. thanks bro.

Anyways, the book i got stats and particular theories on genetics and genetic heritage is from one of my nutrition courses here at college.

Nutrition: An Applied Approach
by Janice Thompson and Melinda Manore.
I think its possible to make what you want of yourself, its all just a matter of work. Most dont have the time, the thousands in gear, or the discipline to eat 6000+cals a day and all the goes with being a pro.
mattd46612 said:
I think its possible to make what you want of yourself, its all just a matter of work. Most dont have the time, the thousands in gear, or the discipline to eat 6000+cals a day and all the goes with being a pro.

mattd46612 said:
I think its possible to make what you want of yourself, its all just a matter of work. Most dont have the time, the thousands in gear, or the discipline to eat 6000+cals a day and all the goes with being a pro.
I disagree. Your genetics will cap your physique no matter what you do. All the steroids, food, rest and trianing in the world cannot and will not take an average man to the prefessional level of bodybuilding, not even close. Some people have the genetics for the elite level and some dont - there is no way around that. You can certainly accomplish a lot even with shitty genetics but the amount of muscle you are able to accumulate is 100% dependant on genetics.
DougoeFre5h said:
I disagree. Your genetics will cap your physique no matter what you do. All the steroids, food, rest and trianing in the world cannot and will not take an average man to the prefessional level of bodybuilding, not even close. Some people have the genetics for the elite level and some dont - there is no way around that. You can certainly accomplish a lot even with shitty genetics but the amount of muscle you are able to accumulate is 100% dependant on genetics.

I believe this to be true as well. Everyone can make big improvements to their physique, esp with roids, but one's genetics will determine their upside potential.
I also disagree with the comment of no cardio. with out that your not going to develope a strong heart, which is important. I think you should at least hit 2 x 30min a week to keep some sort of cardio vascular endurance, even if you are a hard gainer, you gotta be able to carry the weight you put on. But thats more of an athletes look at it, I gotta keep a good cardio base 3x 45mins a week, or else the weight I gain doesn't mean a lick if I can't move with it.
truck said:
I also disagree with the comment of no cardio. with out that your not going to develope a strong heart, which is important.

Eh, its kinda a personal call to me. By all means, having a strong heart is important, but ive tried it both ways and it is very hard to gain weight if i even add a day of cardio. I tried to up the cals and all but it was still harder so i chose to cut the cardio and bulk that way - leaving the cardio for my cutting cycles. But its a parsonal call.
I THINK, the point of what he was trying to say was more that those hard-gainers don't have to be scrawny, and underweight. With a little discipline, no cardio, and plenty of the proper foods, a hard-gainer can be what he never was before, and was always striving to be. And, the assumption that that every hard-gainer is gaining muscle simply to be a professional body-builder is only a percentage of the people on here trying to gain weight. Maybe a larger percentage than any other single reason, but i'm sure there are plenty of people trying to gain weight for many different physically competitve sports (football, baseball, basketball, mma...) i said, this is what i think, and what i got from what was said above. Feel free to correct me. Have a nice day all.