Your Experiences with Sarms?

It occurs to me that there are a lot of cool logs and discussions and debates, etc, about sarms, but we've never really consolidated our experiences on a single thread. With that in mind, I was thinking we could use this to exchange ideas about sarms, what's worked, what hasn't, which companies to order from, how they compare to AAS, side effect profiles, etc. I think it would be interesting both for veteran sarms users AND for newbies who are thinking about trying them for the first time. This is a particularly important discussion given how little *serious* research has gone into sarms and how little the general public knows.

Some questions (and answers):

1. What's your favorite sarm and why? Mine is S4. It's probably the most suppressive, but it's the best recomp compound I've EVER found. On an average eight-week cycle, I'd bet I lose about 5 pounds of fat and gain about 7 pounds of muscle. I also like GW because you don't have to cycle off it and the stamina effects are INSANE.

2. Who's your favorite distributor? I've tried them all....unique, sarms1,, and I can say that is the best of the bunch. Unique is underdosed and sarms1 creates NASTY side effects, but sarmssearch is just solid every time. I've also noticed a huge quality range in what I got from sarms1. First time I ordered Osta I saw huge effects; second time it was very watered down and weak. Sarmssearch delivers the same, high-quality products every time, and that means a lot to me.

3. What are the side effects compared to AAS? It's tough to tell, but my experience and bloodwork suggests that you get much less suppression on sarms--which means you can run them for longer. Also that there aren't any liver or heart-related sides. I still don't quite understand the chemistry of sarms, but they're far less harmful than phs like Halodrol or Epistane. Of that I am sure.

4. What are the best results you've ever gotten on sarms? I ran a triple stack of s4, Osta, and Gw and put on 15 lbs of muscle in 8 weeks. Lost a few pounds of fat. I was working out 2 1/2 hrs a day at the gym and feeling unbelievable.

What other stories we got? Would love to hear some more comparisons between different sarms companies. In my mind sarmssearch is without peer.
damn,im looking for trying s4 but im a little bit concerned about the vision sides..i bet the vascularity with this thing would be amazing..
We understood , you want everyone here to buy on , ONLY.
On other BB sites , they say EXACTLY the same then you , but not , but Sarms1 for exemple , cause on their site they rep this site .

Anyway , S4 side effects are horrible apparently
Sarms1 sucked for sides when I tried it, theyre GW isnt even suspended its a goop that you have no idea what dose youre getting. Thats besides the fact, not here to bash. Try the brands for yourself and youll see why we advocate SS
ain't saying your site is bad , not at all , just saying that on every different sites they say the same things , i'm on 5 different 'steroids BB' sites and they all say the same , only the site's name is different , that's quite funny
ain't saying your site is bad , not at all , just saying that on every different sites they say the same things , i'm on 5 different 'steroids BB' sites and they all say the same , only the site's name is different , that's quite funny

No doubt about that man, every site will have a different sponsor who claims to be top dog, and I can 100% understand that hearing info from a rep seems biased, take it for what its worth, I was on Sarms1 and had migrains and awful stomach pains daily, I had a log about it...that was BEFORE I became a rep for SS, I was given the opportunity to use the product and see what I thought and was sold. That being said, everyone is free to believe what they want and make their own decisions. I would rather all info be unbiased but we both know that will never happen when money is on the line
Yes. Nothing is ever unbiased. That's true whether we're talking about sarms discussions or the most empirically 'sophisticated' scientific research. Everyone has an idea to sell and even when they don't, the very act of observing/consuming/intervening on something changes the thing itself. So there is no pretense to objectivity here, and the safest thing I can say is to echo Barnzy's point: Try different distributors and make up your own mind. The skeptic is satisfied by self-reliance.

Having said that, I've tried them all, and the primary reason I rep for ss is because I think they're the best. It is nice to get a free bottle of GW every month, but that's all I get and that doesn't constitute a *large* financial payoff. I run a business where I charge $150/hour (with zero overhead), I have a PhD from Harvard (okay, six mths. left on my dissertation); and I'd already bought about $2000 worth of ss products before I became a "rep."

All of which is not intended to sound glib or boastful or dismissive but simply to state the facts in no uncertain terms. You're right: everyone is peddling different products and none of us are objective. But that doesn't mean there isn't a difference between those products. That doesn't mean those five bbing reps are equally shitty. My suggestion is to do one of two things: Either try them all, or make an informed decision based on reading what each of these reps actually has to say. In other words, who has the best argument.

Of course I think ss has the best argument, but then again, I'm certainly not unbiased.
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Yes. Nothing is ever unbiased. That's true whether we're talking about sarms discussions or the most empirically 'sophisticated' scientific research. Everyone has an idea to sell and even when they don't, the very act of observing/consuming/intervening on something changes the thing itself. So there is no pretense to objectivity here, and the safest thing I can say is to echo Barnzy's point: Try different distributors and make up your own mind. The skeptic is satisfied by self-reliance.

Having said that, I've tried them all, and the primary reason I rep for ss is because I think they're the best. It is nice to get a free bottle of GW every month, but that's all I get and that doesn't constitute a *large* financial payoff. I run a business where I charge $150/hour (with zero overhead), I have a PhD from Harvard (okay, six mths. left on my dissertation); and I'd already bought about $2000 worth of ss products before I became a "rep."

All of which is not intended to sound glib or boastful or dismissive but simply to state the facts in no uncertain terms. You're right: everyone is peddling different products and none of us are objective. But that doesn't mean there isn't a difference between those products. That doesn't mean those five bbing reps are equally shitty. My suggestion is to do one of two things: Either try them all, or make an informed decision based on reading what each of these reps actually has to say. In other words, who has the best argument.

Of course I think ss has the best argument, but then again, I'm certainly not unbiased.

I have tried them all to,

I only use Sarms Search. A high quality sarm, you can hold the bottle to the light and it should be CLEAR. Sarms1 is a milky clumpy mess. I would not give that to my dog, its garbage.

You should NEVER have to "shake" a bottle of sarms. The suspension should be clean and even. This is why I will only use Sarms Search.
Its of course a very difficult task to produce 'scientific' evidence that one product's actually better than another. Especially when you're dealing with distributors ostensibly selling the *same* product lines.

That said, when it comes to sarms dealers there are a few reliable indicators....

1) What Cage is talking about--the physical appearance of the product. Is it clear, is it unsuspended, what color is it etc. Sarms1's GW is PINK; its Osta is BLUE; and its S4 is YELLOW. Each one tastes like rubbing alcohol. And each one should be top-loaded with a full case of Prilosec. SS sarms are clear and taste like something you've never tasted before. That taste is a GOOD thing. It means they're not adulterated with some cut like alcohol or water or whatever the hell else you haven't been told about.

2) The side effects. If you're taking S4, you SHOULD notice some kind of vision issue. Obviously it's not desirable, but it's an inevitable byproduct of taking an otherwise awesome compound. With Sarms1 S4, I never had ANY vision sides; with SS it happens each time. Similarly, the suppressive effects of sarms (s4, osta, lgd) are moderate but not severe. If you don't get any, that suggests it's diluted. If they're super heavy, it suggests you're getting something else in the cut.

3) Precisely what is it doing. GW should give you stamina. S4 should give you strength and definition. Osta should give you strength and a little mass. LGD should give you strength and a little more mass. If you're gaining 30 lbs of muscle, you're not taking sarms. If you're gaining lots of water weight, you're not taking sarms. If nothing happens and then suddenly you gain 10 pounds and then promptly lose it when you go off, you're not taking sarms. With ss products, the gains are slow and steady, and they're reasonable and sustainable (5-10 lbs of muscle in an 8 week cycle, 10 pounds off fat).

4) Price. This is the trickiest one to get into because it's certainly true there are some super expensive supps that don't do shit. But if high price is not a guarantee of quality, low price is almost *always* a bad sign. How did they synthesize the chemicals so cheaply? What kind of people did they hire? Unique advertises as much as ss and sarms1; yet they sell their S4 for $19.99 per bottle. SS is $150. Sarms1 is $100. How likely is it that with roughly the same overhead, SS is skimming $130 over Unique? What's far more likely is that they're using different chemicals or different degrees of potency.

5) You can always check and get impartial ratings on the legitimacy of the companies you're buying from. scamadviser's like the consumer reports for the web. It's as unbiased as you'll get in this world. | check a website for risk | check if dodgey | check is a website s |check website is fake or a scam | check a website for risk | check if dodgey | check is a website s |check website is fake or a scam | check a website for risk | check if dodgey | check is a website s |check website is fake or a scam

If you check those links, sarmssearch has a reliability% of 90, unique is 85, and sarms1 is 60. Sarms1 in fact is red-flagged for being a small risk.
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LOL. I did not say that scamadvisor is the *only* indicator; it is simple one indicator among many. As for your other point, I'm not sure how you'd infer that Unique is just as good as S4 from that. Unique's vision sides are minimal to zero.
Guys, if you look at the price per mg/ml, these are actually *more* expensive than sarmssearch. Eg, SS sells S4 @ 100 mg/ml; this is only 25.Etc Etc. Just do the math on all of them if you don't believe me.
The only place cheaper than SS is Unique. And even then, their LGD is the same price as SS'. Just their S4 is a bargain.
And as far as the looks of it go, it's in a white plastic bottle, so it's hard to tell, but once it's n the syringe, it's a translucent liquid with a yellow tint.
The LGD on the other hand is milky looking with a green tint.
I can attest that all of SS products are suspended and blended perfectly. I have tried other companies that required shaking which is obviously a joke when trying to get an accurate measurement