Your Experiences with Sarms?

I just finished a cycle of Ostarine from what I thought was a very reputable supplier. I'm not sure if I can mention the name on this site. But after four weeks, my total T levels well completely "off-the-chart". Ostarine is not supposed to show-up a T on a blood test. I contacted the supplier and they said they would check with the lab and get back to me but I have yet to hear from them.
longtime lurker here. a few yrs back a buddy introduced me to sarms before i got into steroids. it was a great way to introduce me to performance aids...and to this day i still trust them to provide results. sarms will always have a fan here with me. like they say, don't knock it til u try it.
psizzle_8, I'm unable to PM you, I think it is because I just registered (reg'd to be able to PM you). I've read up here and many other places on SARM's, had a few questions for you particularly about SarmsSearch. Was wondering if there was an alternate means of contact. Would greatly appreciate it.


I'll send you a PM
Me and a buddy have purchased SarmsSearch Ostarine to run as our first cycle. Not looking for big gains and expectations are realistic. Interested in some recomp, LBM/strength maintenence, and joint support while running daily in addition to our lifts.
To start out we will do 12.5mg for 4 weeks, if side effects don't occur we will finish it out at 25mg for the last two weeks. If any sides appear we will keep it at 12.5mg but run it through to 8 weeks.

1) I know cycle support isnt required, would you advise it just to be safe?
Of the Sarms, S4 is arguably the most liver taxing of the bunch. If you feel safer running something as a cycle support, by all means. Just because user X doesn't run something specific while on a run, or in PCT, doesn't necessarily mean it's the "right way" for you. Everyone is different and only way you're going to know what works for you is to try something out.

2) Suppression is minimal, but should a test booster be run on cycle? I've seen people start a test booster supplement (such as one with DAA) after a few weeks into cycle and continue it through the PCT. Whats your experience here?
I wouldn't worry about using a test booster while on, but starting DAA 2 weeks before the end of your run isn't a bad idea. If you do experience any sort of suppression on your run, starting the DAA 2 weeks early should in theory have you back up and running "normally" right as you come off. (DAA takes about 2 weeks before it really starts to "work")

3) We want to avoid SERM's and AI in PCT. We cant afford to kill our estrogen levels and dry out our joints. Running and joint related injuries are career killers for us. What PCT regimen would you recommend?
While I get where you're coming from there, and I don't necessarily think the serm is a necessity, I'd at least run something that has natural estrogen prohibiting properties (or even a low dose AI) because Osta does have the ability to raise estrogen levels in some, and estro rebound gyno "could" still occur. Maybe something with acecetin... I can't vouch for it actually working, but it's supposed to play that role and might be enough without using a suicide inhibitor of any sort.

I've done the related searches on these questions over several forums that discuss or are sponsored by SARMs products. There's great variation in opinion and from source to source. Since I purchased from SS, I'd like the SS' community's opinion. Reps and customers thoughts both welcomed! Thats it for now, and thank you for any advice provided.


Answers based on my knowledge are above KC... hopefully that helps a bit
Thanks bootstomper, your replies go in line with what we are thinking. Got Purus Labs Organ Shield for an all around support, nothing too crazy or high dosed in there but should work fine for MK2866. Going to run a DAA based natural test booster that has Indole-3-Carbinol/DIM in it for some MILD estrogen control in the PCT. Will start it with 2 weeks left on the cycle. Fingers crossed, but if gyno sides occur I'll amazon a suicide inhibitor like PES Erase but try to take it easy on the dosing to not crush estrogen. Thanks again for your info.
So glad this discussion is generating the attn. it deserves. I ain't gonna lie: SS is fucking expensive. Elementary arithmetic suggests the Osta at SS is EIGHT times more expensive than it is at Unique. How could that be, you ask. Well, it's hard to imagine it's just a matter of marketing....

As to the Osta question, I'd front load a test booster just to be safe. HcGenerate is #1; Unleashed is #2; TestInfusion is #3. If you're looking to save $$, just get the Unleashed. $29.99 at and, NO, I'm NOT repping for them. HCGenerate you can find on amazon prime for about $60.

I'd also consider also having an AI or estro suppressor on cycle in case things get *out* of hand. E.g., Forma Stanzol. You can also get Post Cycle by Protein Factory. You probably don't want to start these until PCT, but I'm saying just to be safe....

With 12.5 mgs, you should be okay. My biggest fear, in fact, is it may not be enough...

Speaking of, this seems as good a time as any to announce the grand opening of my Osta/S4 Cutting Log. Just started today. Looking to shed 5-10 lbs of fat in a month while maintaining size--can I do it? Will start a new thread with around-the-clock updates on my progress since I know everyone is rooting for me.
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Thanks Witt. Also, are you saying keep the estrogen control supp on hand but only use it if I notice gyno starting? What are you guys' experiences with gyno from Ostarine? I've seen logs that it happens but it seems much less common than PH/AAS (lets hope). Started 12.5 of Ostarine yesterday. Will decide today if I pick up a bottle of HCGenerate to use on cycle, to go along with DAA 2 weeks before cycle ends/into PCT.

Whats your trusted manufacturer of forma stanzol, and advice on pump dosing for (light) control of estrogen sides? Mainly just concerned about gyno, can deal with some water retention etc.

Appreciate all the help for a first timer.
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Here's my advice:

1) You're unlikely to get too much suppression or estro bounce with only 12.5 mg osta. However, not *exactly* sure how the dosing works--ie, if it's multiplicative, logarithmic, etc. So....

2) I'd keep forma stanzol on hand.

3) I'd buy HcGenerate to ward off suppression.
(Get regular HcG not ES--the ES is twice as expensive and a rip-off.)

4) Have at least an OTC product ready for PCT. I'd recommend Post Cycle (by Protein Factory) or Forged Post Cycle (by Forged). Both of these can be bought at
I've never heard about liver issues with sarms, but people should correct me if that is wrong...
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Thanks bootstomper, your replies go in line with what we are thinking. Got Purus Labs Organ Shield for an all around support, nothing too crazy or high dosed in there but should work fine for MK2866. Going to run a DAA based natural test booster that has Indole-3-Carbinol/DIM in it for some MILD estrogen control in the PCT. Will start it with 2 weeks left on the cycle. Fingers crossed, but if gyno sides occur I'll amazon a suicide inhibitor like PES Erase but try to take it easy on the dosing to not crush estrogen. Thanks again for your info.

Anytime man, and sounds like a good plan. Good luck and enjoy!
Bootstomper do you know anything about sarms search gw50? I tried sarms1 and extreme peptides gw and itwas pure trash.
Bootstomper do you know anything about sarms search gw50? I tried sarms1 and extreme peptides gw and itwas pure trash.

SarmsSearch GW50 is the best you'll find. After trying them years ago I'll never go anywhere else. There's a reason SarmsSearch has been around so long.
I tried Sarms1 LGD (one bottle) a 10mg/day. I noticed a little extra fullness but that's about all. No sides.
Do Sarms always have noticeable sides, or would that mean that you have bad stuff if you're taking the right dosage?

Bad sides? It's really dose dependent. The main side people see is the vision side with s4, and that goes away extremely quickly. The half life is super short.
Do Sarms always have noticeable sides, or would that mean that you have bad stuff if you're taking the right dosage?
You can get side effects with anything. However, i've had many runs with SARMS and the only time I experienced bad side effects was when I went over the recommended dose, or used a questionable source. Unlike AAS, you can run SARMS and not even realize you're on anything. The only side effect I noticed was the pumps in the gym and the nice lean gains. Other than that, I felt great. As long as the product it of quality you will have zero problems. SarmsSearch is a sponsor here and I can honestly say their products are far superior to any other i've used. Least sides, and best gains. Check Psizzle's signature for a 30% discount code.