Your thoughts???


bomb shell
im 36, 185 12%bf and been lifting for 8yrs. bench max 345, squat max 515 so im really strong for my size. its my first cycle and wanted to get some in put on a good combo to get stronger, lean, but not really any huge weight gains. any ideas? :newbie:
im 36, 185 12%bf and been lifting for 8yrs. bench max 345, squat max 515 so im really strong for my size. its my first cycle and wanted to get some in put on a good combo to get stronger, lean, but not really any huge weight gains. any ideas? :newbie:

ive heard that test is king so if this is so, whats a good stack? any advice is appreciated
ive heard that test is king so if this is so, whats a good stack? any advice is appreciated

Welcome bro! What are your goals? Are you interested in AAS or DS/PH? Have you educated yourself on post cycle therapy (pct)? How is your nutrition and how many calories do you ingest a day? Training split? Just some information that will help us help you!

How long have you bee researching on these forums? I would love to help you bro, just need the vitals!!