Zinc Convert Estrogen into testosterone & prevent Testosterone from converting ?


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Zinc Convert Estrogen into testosterone & prevent Testosterone from converting ?

I have been reading about Zinc & I think that Zinc would be Perfect
And maybe the only thing u need to take on a Test Cycle. We all know that
Testosterone will convert to estrógen so, wouldnt a Zinc supplement be best
To Run on a Testosterone cycle?

My reason: Zinc Prevents Testosterone from converting into estrogen & will turn estrogen
Into Testosterone. So wouldnt this be great to supplement with zink @ 150mg a day while
Taking 1,000mg of Test E for 12 Weeks?.....I think this is better than taking, other things that
Will kill all of your estrogen or just block it causing a major rebound later right?

-Can this help with solid gains and prevent Bloat?
- Can Zink be the only thing we ever need to run?
No. Zinc isn't nearly strong enough to stop aromitation when using cycle levels of Test. It most often is not even strong enough for TRT doses. Do NOT do this. An Aromatase Inhibitor is needed.

I have never heard/read that zinc will convert E into T. What are you basing that on?
I read an Artical about Zinc so your saying zinc cant help with too much testosterone
So what your telling me zink will not help at all on a cycle?
What will be good to run with 1,000mg of test for 12weeks?
I just dont want a major rebond of estrogen. And What i dont get back then in Arnold days these
Guys never had setrogen problems while on cycle. So why do we have this problem today?
What is your past cycle history and stats? How old are you?

Why do you think guys didn't have estrogen problems in the 80's and 90's?
Im 26 weight 315 6ft 4 I took a Winstrol only cycle for 6weeks & a Tren E only cycle for
6weeks. I work out 5 days a week im pretty much a powerlifter. I just have always been scared to run a test only cycle because of estrogen. I was taking tren e @ 600mg a week & i got pretty good results & felt like crap.
After that cycle i had injurd my shoulder causing me not to work out for 5months.....Everyone telling me to take a test & deca cycle.
Im 26 weight 315 6ft 4 I took a Winstrol only cycle for 6weeks & a Tren E only cycle for
6weeks. I work out 5 days a week im pretty much a powerlifter. I just have always been scared to run a test only cycle because of estrogen. I was taking tren e @ 600mg a week & i got pretty good results & felt like crap.
After that cycle i had injurd my shoulder causing me not to work out for 5months.....Everyone telling me to take a test & deca cycle.

Wow! You do realize that you shut down your testosterone while on those cycles and you didn't put any testosterone back in you? No wonder you felt like shit. Men need testosterone. I highly recommend that your read the Sticky Threads. There are many that discuss how to run a cycle.

Did you at least run PCT after those cycles? Have you ever gotten blood work?

You don't need to run 1000mg of test. Try starting around 600-750mg. And the way you manage estradiol is by using an Aromatase Inhibitor like Arimidex or Aromasin.
What is your past cycle history and stats? How old are you?

Why do you think guys didn't have estrogen problems in the 80's and 90's?

Back then there was nothing to take for estrogen I think the steroids in the market today are diffrent from the ones back in the day. I javent heard any old schiol bodybuilder that had estrogen problems back the. I know these guys never really came off either.
Back then there was nothing to take for estrogen I think the steroids in the market today are diffrent from the ones back in the day. I javent heard any old schiol bodybuilder that had estrogen problems back the. I know these guys never really came off either.

Testosterone today is the same as it was 20, 30 and 40 years ago. I remember guys getting moon face, bloated and gyno back then. That's all estradiol at work.
Ok but what do u do for estrigen rebond espacially when u come of cyclr

Keep taking the AI until your test levels return to normal. This is all covered in the Sticky threads. Have you read them yet? Also not that there are type I and II aromatase inhibitors too.
What do u think would be a goid cycle im thinking of test E 800mg & dbol
For the first 5weeks at 40mg every day
I take it you are not going to read the Sticky threads... Looking to be spoon fed? Guys here are more willing to help out when they see a guy put in some effort and do his homework.
Not im at work & im using my phone that im not suppost to be on but I will we i get home.
One last question If i taje Dbol for 5 weeks with test & deca will Arimadex keep the water down and give me a solid look?.....Thanks
Hmmm first it was test only, then test and dbol, now test dbol and deca lol. Listen to Megatron, he knows what hes talking about and other than what he said theres really nothing else to talk about.
Mega! this guy needs a darwin award, hook him up brother!

What a coincidence. I literally was talking to someone about Darwin awards a few hours ago!

I gave him an infraction and reminded him to mind his manners. Let's try to keep things positive.