Recent content by 2Strange2Live-2Rare2Die

  1. 2Strange2Live-2Rare2Die

    Top 10 Supplement Facts You Probably Didn't Know

    Great read, I also like that you dismissed the protein myth. I recently read something about this in Men's Health mag, "Your body will slowly digest and absorb all protein you eat, even if you eat 125 grams in a sitting" -Alan Argon, M.S. and author of Girth Control: The Science of Fat Loss and...
  2. 2Strange2Live-2Rare2Die

    How to properly train your weaker muscle group

    I'd like to start by thanking MrP for the great post. I like your answer to cosmetic imbalances, and I agree that alot of people focus too much on their strengths while ignoring their weak areas. I was definately guilty of this early on in my training endeavors. Then I sprained a muscle in my...
  3. 2Strange2Live-2Rare2Die

    what music make you push more?

    Check out, "Men's Health 100 Best Workout Songs". It's an awesome compilation of heavy stuff, both old and newschool.