hey Mike,
Whats the deal with the avatars? I'm no fuckin Bill Gates, but I cant get one on there. do you have to have fucking rep power to a certain point before you can have one?
By the way, yeah pretty much have to go domestic here in Canada, our fucking borders are like entering Nazi occupied Germany for fuck sakes, unless you're an immigrant from some other country, they treat us like criminals trying to come home, you wouldnt believe it. Immigrants on the other hand, holy fuck, we set them up with welfare until they set up there own business and put them to the front of the line for jobs ahead of our own, it's unreal. I'm not racist, but it's even worse here in Atlantic Canada, New Brunswick, we are an "officially bilingual" province, only one in Canada, translation, if you are french, you're set. Now they teach it in school but my age group never had the option, so we're pretty much fucked...lol tren attack striking again.....lol