Recent content by allaround2

  1. allaround2

    1st cycle and opinions are appreciated

    Whoa, listen I went to an local endocrinologist and he did a bunch of different bloodwork and checked my hormone levels. After that I took some x-rays (my legs) with my old PCP and said that he'd noticed that my bones had reached their potential. Whether they are/were right or wrong, I'm not...
  2. allaround2

    1st cycle and opinions are appreciated

    I appreciate the responses guys, I really do. As for being too small, do you mean height wise or weight wise? Because as for my height, I've already seen doctors and I'm at my limit... Completely done growing. As for my weight, how much more do you think I should put on??
  3. allaround2

    Unique ways to do cardio?

    Any outdoor activity will be good for cardio really. I personally hit the track, do some sprints and whatnot when I'm by myself.. Other than that I play soccer and do MMA
  4. allaround2

    Tman Updated Pics

    You look amazing man, solid and thick. Just awesome
  5. allaround2

    1st cycle and opinions are appreciated

    I'm new to the forum and I'm looking to start a 10 week cycle and I'm just looking for some opinions. Right now I'm looking at some single ester tests.. ex: cypionate, enanthate, proprionate... and at 500mg/week with 250mg/3days??? Does this sound good? A few of my friends have told me that I...