Recent content by apmakeio

  1. A

    sp labs test e real or fake

    Yes it's good stuff.
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    Potent Trenbolone Acetate

    How do you quantify trenbolone acetate by analytical procedures ever since finding a R.S. for such a molecule is almost impossible, with small exceptions? At the end of the day claiming potency means assessing assay values right?
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    real or fake test enantate 250 iran

    This Aburaihan is good to go. Definitely original stuff!
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    I can t afford aromasin nor arimidex is nolva okay ???

    Aromasin, Arimidex and Nolvadex aren't really that similar except the overall purpose of "controlling" estrogen levels. Aromasin is a suicidal inhibitor which means it disables the enzyme and until you get new enzymes produced by your body your estrogen will be rock bottom. Which isn't that a...
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    Clen tablets are red and smell fruity

    Taste and color don't mean a thing especially with very low concentration compounds like Clenbuterol HCL tablets. Imagine that a tablet has at least 100mg total and you supposedly have 0.04mg of active ingredient which means 0.04% which is incredible small amount of material for anyone to taste...
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    Humantropin HGH british dragon ?

    Asia Pharma and British Dragon (same pharma group) unfortunately have a P.R. team that is causing more brand damage than good. Too bad for them because the products are good quality (or better said, were, since now its unknown if they still have goods on the market under same quality controls).
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    labmax test results Asia Pharma

    The labmax picture has same background (white with squares) like you have in your picture. Is labmax your business? Or is just coincidence? :confused: Labmax picture from their website! accordio picture Something very fishy is going on here... I've long suspected it but I ain't gonna call...
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    labmax test results Asia Pharma

    I keep asking you because you have made claims this product is underdosed and you are not able to back-up your claims. You still haven't replied and you avoiding the answer. You say you are pissed of "Asia Pharma" but in fact can't prove your allegations. You can't prove your allegations...
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    labmax test results Asia Pharma

    I'm not discrediting anything. It seems you are, by stating things without backup. The solution is already a mixture of several chemicals, this in particular having at least 3 different chemicals + a vegetable oil (which is comprised of several chemical substances). You might claim that there...
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    labmax test results Asia Pharma

    You have been politely asked to support your claims with method of analysis and the only thing you repeat is that scammers bash the tests because they are so good. Fine, I hope scammers burn in hell, but the questions remain: 1). How do you know it has no other chemical or contaminants? After...
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    labmax test results Asia Pharma

    Enzymatic / Colorimetric tests are unreliable because there is a risk of false positive or false negative. Its common knowledge and there isn't hard to find a substance that can give a false positive and then mislead all tests. Be aware this kind of tests are often mostly used to DETECT a...
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    labmax test results Asia Pharma

    I find it disturbing that the only argument that supports labmax is the claim that its being bashed by scammers so that should make it automatically good and reliable. I'm not saying labmax is completely useless, I'm saying that quantitative (mg or %) or contamination assessments using labmax...
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    labmax test results Asia Pharma

    I have a few questions: 1). How do you know it has no other chemical or contaminants? After all is a "solution", it already has plenty chemicals inside (benzyl benzoate, benzyl alcohol, a series of fatty acids, etc). 2). How do you assess the dosage (w)? Do you have a CRS to refer to and do a...
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    labmax test results, clenbuterol

    There is a marketing campaign going on from the people of labmax trying to stir up shit and buzz over their highly unreliable tests. They post everywhere this tests with the website underneath. Not so low profile marketing promotion guys, get a life or a HPLC/MS, your tests are HIGHLY UNRELIABLE...