Recent content by b_pizzle

  1. B

    4th cycle critiques..thank you

    23, 180, 5'10, 11-12. The goal is to add mass as cleanly as possible
  2. B

    4th cycle critiques..thank you

    Whats up boys.. im in the early stages of mapping out my fourth cycle. First was test only, second test e/dbol, then test e/dbol/deca. So far this one is looking a little like this: Test E 600mg/wk 1-14 weeks EQ 600mg/wk 1-14 weeks Dbol 50mgs/ED 1-6 weeks Proviron 50mgs/ED 1-14 weeks HCG...
  3. B

    Hey guys any 4th cycle ideas????????? clean as possible. 23, 175, 5'10, 10-11%. Have gotten bloods a few times. Am going soon to get pre cycle bloods to see how everything as leveled out
  4. B

    Hey guys any 4th cycle ideas?????????

    Libido took a hit but there were still times i wanted to and just couldn't which is an embarrassment i could do without lol i was running 1mg of caber/week and exemestane 25mg ED
  5. B

    Hey guys any 4th cycle ideas?????????

    oh and caber too of course
  6. B

    Hey guys any 4th cycle ideas?????????

    exemestane 25mg ED, PCT was nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 50/50/50/50
  7. B

    Hey guys any 4th cycle ideas?????????

    Whats up guys. I'm ready mentally and physically for my 4th cycle I believe. First one was test only. The two others were test, dbol, deca. All ran accordingly with maybe the exception of my last one. The plan was to run test and deca 500mg each/week but the deca i received came in 300mg/cc so...
  8. B

    Dbol 10mg/day during PCT??

    Hey am currently on my second cylce (test and deca) almost done, I'm on week 12 now. I was doing some reading and saw on a certain website that many people dose dbol 10mg during PCT or bridging between cycles to keep testosterone from dropping to much too quickly. I didn't want to bridge but was...
  9. B

    2nd cycle Test/Deca/Dbol advice

    solid advice much appreciated!!
  10. B

    2nd cycle Test/Deca/Dbol advice

    Hey guys this will be my 2nd cycle. Test 500mg/wk first time around close to a year ago. I was planning a test/deca cycle and just recently decided to throw in some dbol for a kicker. As of right now the cycle will look something like this: -Test E 500mg/wk weeks 1-15 -Deca 500mg/wk weeks 1-12...
  11. B

    Test/Deca 2nd cycle..critiques?

    Wouldn't I want caber to prevent prolactin induced gyno? 300mg to high? What would be more appropriate for a second cycle? And thought I'd switch out arimidex with exemestane 12.5 mg EOD? And yes I've gotten pre and mid cycle bloods for my first cycle everything came back perfect, which were I...
  12. B

    Test/Deca 2nd cycle..critiques?

    Whats up guys. One cycle under my belt as of April. Test E 500mg/wk, 12 wks. Great cycle, great gains. Did have some gyno flare up but I've been extremely sensitive to gyno since my dumb ass decided to take a PH right out of high school. It's doesn't show anymore but the lumps are still there...
  13. B

    mid cycle bloods - 500mg Test E / Week

    thanks man thats always good to hear lol
  14. B

    mid cycle bloods - 500mg Test E / Week

    Appreciate the help..once i am finished with pct i will def go get that checked out
  15. B

    mid cycle bloods - 500mg Test E / Week

    no blood test says it should be less than or equal to 39 pg/ml