Recent content by barrysanders

  1. barrysanders

    new here

    Welcome buddy. If you have any cycle questions ill put something together for you based on your stats.
  2. barrysanders

    I need help on my second cycle, Tren, test, dbol kickstart?

    Im going to be firm on this particular thread. If you dont plan on staying on gear for years and years then dont start. If you plan on having kids one day..dont start. Hope that makes sense. I started kmowing thats what i wanted years and years ago. Now i will be on test until i die. I cannot...
  3. barrysanders

    Second cycle - ready to go?

    I would run like this Test 600 Eq 400 Dbol or anavar weeks 1-6 (no more and maybe less depending on how you feel) Are yoy prone gyno bro? If not you dont need all the AIs. Just have them on hand. More shit in your system is not always better..that goes with everything. Also, i like 16 week...
  4. barrysanders

    Advice on Tren Cycle before I start

    Bro, why are you going to fast? That makes no sense. Inkect sites. Well, from injecting myself everywhere pissible im safe to say there is not a place thats better than the rest. Not every pin will give you tren cough either. As for your AI you need to keep something on hand even if your not...
  5. barrysanders

    A beginners guide to steroids & nutrition by 3j

    God damn that took forever to read
  6. barrysanders

    Light summer cycle advice

    So much info to give. ill spell it all out for you.
  7. barrysanders

    Let's Talk T3 and I'm back

    Simple- if youre not growing youre not eating right, diet is out of whack. Simple reminder, its not from the drugs you notice gains but from the food. No food no gains. Not right food No gains. Simple.
  8. barrysanders

    Question? Has any one tried a Long Ester cycle then c***se, then short ester cycle?

    Damn, im confused what the hell is the question? Short vs long? If thats it just google bro
  9. barrysanders

    Yo, you need a new source man

    Yo, you need a new source man
  10. barrysanders

    My first HGH cycle- Any advice?

    1st paying to much. 2nd you need to be on for a solid year to notice anything bro. 3rd you need to take a minimum of 5-8 ius for any muscle growth in a decent amount of time. 4th just to say- my fav cycle is partly gh and insulin-just saying
  11. barrysanders

    Hey bro. Did you figure everything out???

    Hey bro. Did you figure everything out???
  12. barrysanders

    Hey buddy, did you make a plan yet on what your going to.try? I can help of you have questions

    Hey buddy, did you make a plan yet on what your going to.try? I can help of you have questions
  13. barrysanders

    Buddy, ive had the same problems. I can help with a plan of attack if you need guidance

    Buddy, ive had the same problems. I can help with a plan of attack if you need guidance