Let's Talk T3 and I'm back


Throwing Cookies
Ok. So I started cycling about 6 years ago and I've ran T3 along with various cycles for approx the last 3-4 years. Some cycles as basic as 750mg Test E/week with 120mcg T3, but my best results came from Test E500/Tren e 500mg/week with 120 T3. In the latter cycle, I dropped nearly 15 pounds of almost exclusively fat, dropping 2 pants sizes. My maxes plateaued but I looked great. Mission accomplished. While cycling off, let my diet slip back. Even though I've heard all the stories of muscle wasting if not taking t3 along side test, I tried it. I ran 120mcg for about 3 months with almost no results. No running 750 mg test e per week and t3 at 120mcg/ week and arent seeing any results. What's the deal? Thanks for your responses in advance!
120mcg is overkill bro. also, how do you get to that dose? i've never heard of t3 tabs coming in anything other than 25mcg... maybe 50mcg tabs from UGLs but never anything different. you sure this time the stuff is real? because it isn't so hard to find legit pharma cytomel.

also, have you taken a break? i've been cutting/maintaining using t3 for the past year or so and i havent exceeded 75mcg during a cut, and 25mcg to maintain. that is really all you need if your diet is good. the average person produces the equivalent of 12.5mcg of t3 a day maybe even less... you really think you need 10 times the speed of your normal metabolism to lose weight?
Simple- if youre not growing youre not eating right, diet is out of whack. Simple reminder, its not from the drugs you notice gains but from the food. No food no gains. Not right food No gains. Simple.
Ok. So I started cycling about 6 years ago and I've ran T3 along with various cycles for approx the last 3-4 years. Some cycles as basic as 750mg Test E/week with 120mcg T3, but my best results came from Test E500/Tren e 500mg/week with 120 T3. In the latter cycle, I dropped nearly 15 pounds of almost exclusively fat, dropping 2 pants sizes. My maxes plateaued but I looked great. Mission accomplished. While cycling off, let my diet slip back. Even though I've heard all the stories of muscle wasting if not taking t3 along side test, I tried it. I ran 120mcg for about 3 months with almost no results. No running 750 mg test e per week and t3 at 120mcg/ week and arent seeing any results. What's the deal? Thanks for your responses in advance!

have you had any gains yet?