Recent content by Batman

  1. Batman

    Dosing Tren

    I voted for 75 eod, but I always stack with some other stuff.
  2. Batman

    Jintropin question regarding sides

    I always inject sub-q, maybe that could make the difference...
  3. Batman

    Jintropin question regarding sides

    At 4iu/day I do not get any numbness, no matter what brand I use...
  4. Batman

    only taking test 4 libido.which ester?

    Please, not a thread about sustanon esters again... ;)
  5. Batman

    what's better???

    Here in Italy almost any stuff prescribed by a doctor is free. :D
  6. Batman

    Ankebio GH - help IDing product

    Never seen it. I wouldn't buy any re-labeled hgh unless it is from a totally trustable source. And even in that case I would be skeptical about quality: hgh is very sensitive to any kind of shaking and manipulation.
  7. Batman

    Best way to use HGH

    I agree: ed is the best; at least you could do 6/1 (I do that way) but the main reason for this protocol is... money.
  8. Batman

    Best way to use HGH

    Maybe you could start at 4iu/day, at 5iu/day your stock of hgh will last about 3 months and that's not much. Tren/winny (you already tried that stack) will give you what you want: strenght and some size, no bloating at all.
  9. Batman

    The Official HGH---sucks thread.

    :bawling: Me? :bawling: :bawling: :p
  10. Batman

    another type of juice that is like primo

    Tren/winny rules.
  11. Batman

    The Official HGH---sucks thread.

    By the way, anyone here with experience on Ansomone by Ankebio?
  12. Batman

    Left my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) un refrigerated for about 9 hours. Ruined?

    Anyway it wil not hurt you, then use it. Maybe less effective, but better than throw it away.
  13. Batman

    The Official HGH---sucks thread.

    My experience with Jintropin says: 4 months now 3.5iu/day, 6 on 1 off. Fantastic results on skin, wellbeing, some size (aas helping, hehe), ripped as hell. I will definitely buy more next time... But I'm not exactly a baby, so this could be the reason why I have these pleasant results.