Recent content by bcwill250

  1. B

    HCG doseage for 108mg test e

    Awesome that's what I'd come up with on my own. Glad to have it confirmed thanks!
  2. B

    HCG doseage for 108mg test e

    Currently taking 15mg/Test E every day due to low SHBG works out to just over 100mg weekly. Looking for appropriate doseage of HCG to go along with it. My doc is letting me figure out what works so I'd prefer to start off at lowest dose that will help prevent the boys from shutting down...
  3. B

    How to find a Dr that knows

    Thanks Brotha, I appreciate the knowledge and support. Tough thing to try and figure out on your own. I've been thinking lately after seeing those labs and taking a step back and looking at my life and how I've felt for the past couple years I am almost positive my thyroid is underperforming...
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    How to find a Dr that knows

    I'd love to do it this way, but my main concern at the moment is that I could have a thyroid issue, and need to have that addressed first I think. That and my labs are Canadian so some of the units are different and can cause confusion. I've followed some advice and switched to daily pins to...
  5. B

    Lab results recommendations

    Bump? Anyone have an answer to above?
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    How to find a Dr that knows

    This was the first guy I would contact, but first off I. Not sure if they deal with Canadian patients and second their website says they aren't taking any new ones. I believe he's. on this board though I may try sending him a message and seeing about the possibility of a consult to help me get...
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    How to find a Dr that knows

    Hey Guys, I guess I've been lucky to find a dr that would prescribe me TRT, but he's not knowledgeable enough to help me with the issues I'm running into. I've been told by others here and other places that my SHBG is to low, my estradiol is too high and more. I hardly have the energy to get...
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    Lab results recommendations

    Hey guys I just want to confirm for sure we're talking about the same units for estrogen level. In my results is in pmol/l at 79 however when I googled it it gave a range of 20-55 PG/ml If I convert my results from pmol to pg/ml they are 21/PG/ml which is in range and would actually be pretty...
  9. B

    Lab results recommendations

    So what's the takeaway here guys I'm going to start obviously injecting every day but what about HCG and what about an aromatase inhibitor to lower the estrogen
  10. B

    Lab results recommendations

    Also these are canadian labs thats why I put the unit/scale of measurement at the end, in case they measure differently elsewhere
  11. B

    Lab results recommendations

    Shit sorry original post was supposed to say I've been taking Prescribed TRT (though from a dr who is admittedly not that knowledgeable with it) dosing at 50mg ED3 for the past 2.5 months. The numbers posted above were from day 3 prior to my shot.
  12. B

    Lab results recommendations

    Double checking Just want to double check we're talking estrogen levels at same measurement. What I posted was in pmol/L the new way of listing in, if that was converted to the old way (pg/ml) it would actually be 21 which would be much more reasonable. Also a dude in another forum mentioned...
  13. B

    Protocol, Labs to get etc

    In regards to this someone commented on another forum that my SHBG being so low could be causing issues as well. I went back thru labs to find on pre-TRT and the most recent labwork that had SHBG was from 2014 but the level even then was quite low. heres what my labs looked like pre-trt Again...
  14. B

    Lab results recommendations

    Thanks for the input. This was my first detailed labwork that included est levels. And all I had to go by was the labs range which said <157 so I presumed it was ok. What about adding HCG to the protocol as well as an AI to bring down the estradiol. What's a good range for a 35 year old guy.?
  15. B

    Lab results recommendations

    This is labwork from yesterday. I have been on 50mg of Test E for past 2.5 months and haven't noticed any real benefits yet aside from a slight increase in libido. Still no energy and feeling depressed and lethargic. Wondering about adding HCG for the benefit of keeping the boys working as well...